The Order of Confirmation (English & Spanish)
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8). With these words, Jesus proclaimed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church—an outpouring that continues today in the Order of Confirmation through the ministry of the bishops.
The Order of Confirmation/Ritual para la Confirmación has an updated English translation that the Holy See approved with its recognitio in 2015. Beginning on Pentecost 2016, this text becomes the required English translation for the Order of Confirmation for use in the United States. The Spanish-language text of the rite is also included.
The bilingual text includes rites for the following: Confirmation within Mass, Confirmation outside Mass, and Confirmation for a Person in Danger of Death. It also has Confirmation prayers from the Roman Missal and lists the lectionary readings that can be used.
- Bilingual text
- Presented on beautiful natural white paper with a royal-red bonded leather hardcover and gold-foil cover art.
- Easy-to-read
- Includes three ribbon markers (red, blue & gold).