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Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

In this highly anticipated English translation according to the Second Typical Edition, the ORDO CELEBRANDI MATRIMONIUM "is presented with an enrichment of the Introduction, rites and prayers, and with certain changes introduced in keeping with the norm of the Code of Canon Law promulgated in 1983" (Decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments). The revision of this Ritual Edition , which is divided into four chapters and includes three Appendices, incorporates changes in accord with the Third Typical Edition of THE ROMAN MISSAL, updated LECTIONARY texts, and THE REVISED GRAIL PSALMS. This Deluxe Leather Edition uses hand-selected leather cut from specially tanned hides of impeccable quality. Rich gold stamping adds a distinctive, classic beauty, while the luxurious end sheets enhance the edition's artistry. Stain under gilded pages adds opulence while providing protection from dust and humidity. This volume features highly readable type for text and music , while boasting a proven layout that respects functional page-turns.

Pages: 164
Size: 7 1/4 x10 1/4
Color: RED