Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Mary did you know... that your baby boy would one day rule a nation? The beautiful words of that song share the awe and wonder of an innocent girl who would give birth to the Savior of the world. We are not sure if she understood the magnitude of her service, but Mary's love for the Son of God was an example set for all generations to come. Our figure of Mary and child, Mother's Kiss, honors the special bond of Mother and child as only a Mother knows. The artistry of Mother's Kiss is brought to life by superior quality and craftsmanship like no other. Stone resin.

Measures 9" tall and plays 'Canon in D'

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Overall Customer Rating of 1 Reviews
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Kissing the face of Jesus

This is a beautiful statue of the Blessed Mother and baby Jesus. It reveals the tenderness of a mother's love toward her newborn. So sweet and tender!!! i