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Serving the Faithful Since 1960
Italian Plaster St. Dymphna Statue. 8" tall, hand painted solid plaster statue. Made in Italy.
Glass 2" Bottle for Holy Water
I believe White low-cut Socks with Red Words
Clear Plastic Inserta-Lite Candles, Sold by the Case
St. Therese Lisieux 14" Resin Statue
St. Therese Statue
St. Therese of Lisieux 8" Statue
St. Cecilia 8.5" Statue, Lightly Hand Painted Bronze
St. Ann with Mary 8" Plaster Statue from Italy
St. Clare 8" Plaster Statue from Italy
St. Therese 8.5" Statue from Italy
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha 8" Plaster Statue from Italy
St. Bridget 8" Statue from Italy
St. Barbara Statue
St. Cecilia 8" Plaster Statue from Italy
St..Therese 16" Plaster Statue from Italy
Blessed Virgin Mary 4" Statue with Prayer Card Set *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST*
St. Clare Statue
Mother Ann Statue
Mother Teresa 5.5" Alabaster Bust from Italy
St. Rita 7" Alabaster Bust from Italy
St. Rita 19.5" Alabaster Statue from Italy
St. Therese 12" Wood Carved Statue from Italy
St. Anne Statue
St. Rita Statue
St. Rose of Lima Statue
St. Bernadette Statue
St. Therese Statue, 12"
St. Therese 3.55" Little Drops of Water Statue
Mother Teresa 5.5" Statue
St. Joan of Arc 11" Bronze Colored Statue
St. Cecilia 6" Resin Statue
St. Anne with Mary 8" Hand Carved Statue from Italy
St. Catherine 3.5" Pewter Statue
St. Elizabeth of Hungary 3.5" Pewter Statue
St. Joan of Arc on Horse 11" Statue, Lightly Painted Bronze
St. Joan of Arc on Horse 11" Statue, Pewter Finish w/Gold Trim
St. Joan of Arc on Horse 11" Statue, Full Color
St. Kateri Tekakwitha 8" Statue
St. Anne with Mary 8" Statue
St. Anne with Mary 7" Resin Statue
St. Anne with Mary 4.5" Statue
St. Anne with Mary 2.75" Statue
St. Mother Teresa 8.5" Statue, Full Color
St. Therese Lisieux 12" Statue *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST*
Our Lady of Guadalupe 4" Statue
Our Lady of Fatima 4" Statue
St Therese 4" Statue
St Agatha 4" Statue
St Barbara 4" Statue
Catherine of Siena 4" Statue