Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Pages: 104
Format: Hardcover

Beautiful New Expanded Edition Includes:

  • Blessing and prayers
  • Special presentation pages
  • Photos of readers’ beloved companions

Franciscan Jack Wintz wants you to know—the Bible gives us many clues that we will be with our pets in heaven for eternity!

“Our God is a God of overflowing love, goodness, and beauty who is ready to give over everything to those he loves. This goodness is reflected in the whole family of creation. When God says of any creature, whether human or nonhuman, that it is good or very good, it’s not simply a matter of moral goodness. The creature also has an inherent goodness and beauty—a beauty that reflects God, who is Beauty itself.”

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I purchased both the Dog and Cat books as gifts. I did read one of them. There is so much comfort within the words and pages of these books for those who have lost a pet or still have a loved pet. I think it is a lovely gift. I intend to give one to my daughter, who has 'fallen away' from her faith. Perhaps a start for her reacquainting herself with it, will happen when she reads the book.

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