It's Time To Order Your Palm for Palm Sunday! SHOP NOW
Serving the Faithful Since 1960
Very good quality product, perfect for carrying the pyx.
Assorted Pyxes
K3108 Zipper Leather Rosary or Pyx Case
Black Zipper Rosary Case
Pyx with Purple Enamel Chalice
Deluxe Leather Rosary Pouch, Large
Do this in Memory of Me Pyx
Pyx with Cross And Grapes
K3148 Zipper Burse
24k Gold Plated Pyx with Engraved Jerusalem Cross from Italy
Pyx with Pewter Chalice
Gold Pyx with Pewter Crucifix, Small
Rosary Squeeze Pouches
Celtic Cross Pyx, Holds 12-15 Hosts
Pewter Reptile Skin Gold Stamped Rosary Case
Black Vinyl Zippered 'My Rosary' Case
Blessed Sacrament Monstrance and Symbol of Christ Icon Tapestry Rosary Pouch 4 1/2" x 3"
K123 Pyx with Low Gluten Medallion
The Rosary in a Year Prayer Guide
Monk's Knot Cinctures
IHS Pyx Made In Italy
St. Benedict Gold Plated Rosary
Catholic Youth Bible NABRE 4th Edition, Paperback
Padre Pio Clear Plastic Rosary Case
Plastic Bottle for Holy Water, 1 Ounce
Dark Blue Lady of Grace Leather Rosary Pouch with Miraculous Medal
Chi Rho Pyx 10 Host Cap from Italy
Burse, Genuine Black Leather
K3125 Burse with Gusset
2025 Ordo: Order of Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours and Celebration of the Eucharist
K3102 Vinyl Burse
Black Leather Rosary Pouch, Large
Pyx with Pewter Crucifix
Pyx with Loaves and Fishes
Celtic Cross Pyx (Holds 20-25 Hosts)
3275 Pyx with Red Cross
St. James The Greater Patron Saint Necklace
Confirmation Keepsake Box
Mahogany Confirmation Wall Cross
Pyx with Wheat and Bread Design
K82 Pyx
K89 Pyx
K31-R Precision-made Oil Stocks
RJ Toomey Roomey Toomey Short Sleeve Clergy Shirt
1 3/8" Low Gluten Host 25 Per Box
Reliant Long Sleeve Tonsure Shirt
St. Jude Thaddeus Patron Saint Rosary, Square Crucifix
Raw Silk Gold Stamped Rosary Case, Light Beige
Fontanini Crucifix
Marine Grade 41" JOY Nativity Yard Sign *CLOSEOUT*
12" Evergreen Advent Wreath
Pray The Rosary
Scriptural Rosary Book
How To Pray The Rosary Leaflet
How to Pray The Rosary Pamphlet
Wood Keepsake Box from Poland
White Zipper Rosary Case
The Mysteries of the Holy Rosary Lithographs
Cross with Dove Pyx Holds 6-9 Host
Pyx With Chalice Polished Brass
Pyx with Latin Cross
K372 Host Box or Hospital Pyx
3254G Pyx
IHS Pyx - Gold Plated from Italy
Silver Plated St.Benedict Pyx Enameled- Small 2 Inches
2022G IHS Pyx
Chi-Rho Pyx (holds 12-15 hosts)
Chi-Rho Pyx
Pyx with Pewter Celtic Cross
Pyx with Red Chi-Rho
K143 Hospital Pyx
K160 Hospital Pyx
K170-P Pyx
K187 Pyx
K207 Pyx & Burse
K3085 Hospital Burse
K3115 Gusset Burse
K3215 Burse