Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Candlecup for Candlelight Vigils. Reusable and easy to clean. Fits 1/2" candle. Sold Individually.

May be used for a variety of different ceremonies and vigils both in the church and outdoors throughout the year.


Candle Wind Protectors/Drip Protectors are to be used for processional purposes only where an individual is actually holding and monitoring the candle flame in the center of the protector.

Under no circumstances are the protectors to be used unattended as candle holders. These items ARE NOT FIRE PROOF.

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Individual Candle Holder

These are used by parishioners during special days when they join the priests, deacons and acolytes in processions inside and outside of the church. carrying the Blessed Sacrament for adoration. Especially this weekend when the Blessed Sacrament is returned from the Altar of Repose to its rightful place during the Mass on Holy Saturday.

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