It's Time To Order Your Palm for Palm Sunday! SHOP NOW
Serving the Faithful Since 1960
1-1/2" x 12" Beeswax Altar Candles APE
Daily Mass Record
Lighting Tapers
Brass Candle Followers
Ornate Wood Carved Bible or Missal Stand
Reliant Tab Collar Clergy Shirt, Short Sleeve
1 3/8" Whole Wheat Host
24" Polished Brass Candlelighter
36" Candlelighter
K231 Candle Lighter
K145 Telescoping Brass Candle Lighter
K221 Telescoping Candle Lighter
K225 Candle Lighter
K227 Candle Lighter Stand
K315 Telescoping Candle Lighter
K148 Candle Lighter
K226 Candle Lighter Stand
K232 Candle Lighter