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Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Printed on ACID-FREE paper to outlast ordinary record books and are published with Ecclesiastical Approbation.

Where durability and permanence are essential, as with vital statistics, records of baptism, marriage registers, etc. the style (corduroy binding) has proven most practical. The special brown corduroy used on Murphy Registers is TOP GRADE fabric selected for strength and appearance. In addition, the corduroy binding will not dry out and crack as soon as other fabrics.
  • 8-1/2" x 11"
  • 200 entries
  • 50 pages printed in black ink
  • Handsomely bound in green imitation leather
  • Front cover stamped in gold with a 4" Jerusalem cross
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Full Communion

The book is a little smaller than the current one we have but it has all that we need to Register the individuals receiving Full Communion. Thank you