It's Time To Order Your Palm for Palm Sunday! SHOP NOW
Serving the Faithful Since 1960
1152 Purple Chasuble by Houssard / Arte Grosse
Made of lightweight wool and polyester blend material.
Gothic cut with inside stole
Catholic Supply Vestment Hanger, 22" Wide
Black Vestment Garment Bag with Handles - 66" x 24" x 3"
Purple Chasuble
White Chasuble - Tradition Adoring Angels in Gold
Chasuble with Colla Gothic Cut
Green Tapestry Of Life Abbey Chasuble
955R Red Chasuble
Red Chasuble
860 Chasuble With Round Collar by Solivari
C108T Red Pietrobon Bruno Pure Light Weight Wool
C165Ak Gold Pietrobon Bruno Casula Sarsina Seta
Pietrobon Bruno Gold Casula Interccio Seta Chasuble
Pietrobon Bruno Red Woven Chasuble
Pietrobon Bruno Francis Chasuble
1152 White Chasuble - Houssard
Chasuble Archdiocesan Set
14 Rayada Chasuble - BEST SELLER!!!!
Manantial Sorgente Tres Cruces Chasuble
15 C/# Three Cross Chasuble
341 Damasco Chasuble
5056 Gothic Chasuble in Dupion Fabric
2749-4 Regina Gothic Chasuble in Dupion Fabric
3111-4 Ornata Gothic Chasuble in Brugia Fabric
1-19 Melchoir Chasuble
3365 White Tassilo Gothic Chasuble
419 Purple "Y" Chasuble
1-125 Gold Tiara Gothic Chasuble
2-317 Gold Chasuble with Banding - Roll Collar
2-203 White Marian Chasuble
403B Dorada Chasuble
163 White Alemana Chasuble by Manantial
Dorada Encuentro Chasuble by Manantial
Green Vatican Chasuble
2-3858 Celtic Monastic Chasuble
3576 Washable Pius Chasuble
2-3850 Monastic Chasuble in Cantate Fabric
3168 Beige Gothic Chasuble in Dupion Fabric with Lamb Emblem
3275 Washable Dark Green Dupion Chasuble with Grapes Embroidery
3321 Gothic Chasuble in Brugia Fabric
3358 Gothic Chasuble in Brugia Fabric
3642 Gothic Chasuble in Purple Brugia Fabric with Pelican Emblem
5058 Red Dupion Chasuble with Embroidered Cross
3963 Green Raphael Chasuble "O" Collar
852 Evangelist Chasuble "Lana Oro Barre Style" by Solivari
5233 White Gothic Chasuble with Divine Mercy Panel
5230 Gothic Chasuble in Dupion Fabric
CRER9 Casula Sole by Pietrobon Bruno
Concelebration Chasuble by Pietrobon - Green
701031 White Assisi Chasuble with Galoon and Embroidered Cross
Rose Chasuble with 3 Gold Crosses
Sienna Chasuble in Green Europa Fabric with Plain Neckline from Italy
Casula Santa Croce - White Chasuble by Pietrobon Bruno