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Serving the Faithful Since 1960
Advent Candle Set- 12" Tapers 3 Purple 1 Pink
Marine Grade 41" JOY Nativity Yard Sign *CLOSEOUT*
White Outdoor Nativity 50" Marine Grade Yard Scene *CLOSEOUT*
10 Inch First Christmas Gifts 16pc Real Life Nativity Set with Stable
12" Evergreen Advent Wreath
Ecumenical Appointment Planner- Deluxe Edition
Mini Purple Scapular - The Scapular of Benediction and Protection for Wear
8 Day SacraLite Glass Sanctuary Light
3 Days of Darkness - 3 Day 100% Beeswax Devotional Candle
First Communion Banner Kit
January Birthstone Rosary from Italy
February Birthstone Rosary from Italy
March Birthstone Rosary from Italy
April Birthstone Rosary
May Emerald Birthstone Rosary from Italy
June Birthstone Rosary from Italy
August Birthstone Rosary from Italy
September Sapphire Birthstone Rosary from Italy
October Birthstone Rosary from Italy
November Birthstone Rosary from Italy
Birthstone Rosaries
Aurora Borealis 6mm Garnet January Rosary
Amethyst Rosary
Garnet 6mm Rosary
6mm Dark Amethyst Rosary
Topaz 6mm Rosary
January / Garnet 6mm Rosary
March / Aqua 6mm Rosary
August Aurora Borealis Peridot 6mm Rosary
Rose October 6mm Rosary