For the first time in 400 years the Catholic Church has authorized
an official universal catechism which instantly became an international
best-seller, the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Using this
official Catechism, the highly-regarded author and professor Peter
Kreeft presents a complete compendium of all the major beliefs of
Catholicism written in his readable and concise style.
Since the Catechism of the Catholic Church was
written for the express purpose of grounding and fostering catechisms
based on it for local needs and ordinary readers, Kreeft does just that,
offering a thorough summary of Catholic doctrine, morality, and worship
in a popular format with less technical language. He presents a
systematic, organic synthesis of the essential and fundamental Catholic
teachings in the light of the Second Vatican Council and the whole of
the Church's Tradition.
This book is the most thorough, complete
and popular catechetical summary of Catholic belief in print that is
based on the universal Catechism.