Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

7" Jesse Tree Advent Wreath with set of 4 candles.

The Jesse Tree is the family tree of Jesus. This advent wreath tells the story of His lineage through symbols and readings from scripture, one for each day of Advent.

Pewter wreath, set of 4 candles and pamphlet included.

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Overall Customer Rating of 1 Reviews
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Stunning & Meaningful

I discovered this Advent Wreath while searching for something a bit more meaningful than the typical greenery and pinecones. It arrived today and I was blown away. The pewter is solid and hefty, so it will last a long time and surely become a family heirloom. The symbols around the wreath, and the information & scripture references in the included pamphlet, help add a new layer to the tradition and bring a deeper understanding to the season of Advent. Highly recommended.

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