Sealed bag of 100. Size 2 7/8" X 5 3/4".
Polish Oplatki Christmas Wafers, White, Pkg/100. Christmas wafer, a polish tradition celebrated on Christmas Eve. Oplatek is the unleavened wafer that is rectangular in shape with different Christmas images embossed. The Nativity, the Epiphany, the Virgin Mary with child, and the Star of Bethlehem. Tradition says, "Before partaking of the Christmas Eve meal, the family gathers around the table. The eldest member holds a large wafer and breaks off a piece to begin the ritual. The remaining wafer is passed on to another member while a prayer for loved ones is said. This continues until everyone at the table has a piece of the wafer. Finally, the family members consume their share quietly". These seasonal wafers are available in four assorted designs. Sealed bag of 100. Size 2 7/8" X 5 3/4".
Christmas Wafer Envelopes 100/package sold separately- click here
The word Bethlehem means "house of bread". The breaking of the bread is a sign of charity, unity, and friendship. Religious family traditions and customs bring the truths of faith into the home. One of these beautiful, Christmas customs is the Christmas Wafer. A wafer bearing a simple design to commemorate the birth of Christ, is broken by the head of the family and distributed to each member. With a simple prayer for God's grace and the welfare of the present and absent members of the family, the head member breaks the wafer and distributes it, a piece to each person at the table. While doing so, each member of the family is kissed and wished a joyful feast. The other family members then greet one another in the same way.
The spiritual lesson in this age old tradition is unity of the family- the main pillar of society. The bond of unity is the Christ-like charity that should exist amongst the members of the family. The head of the family is the link in the unbroken chain of One Body, One Bread, One Christ, and One Church.
All this brings to mind clearly our charity for one another, to seek salvation together. Family customs remind us that we seek and obtain salvation with the help of others at all times.
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