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Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

31" Pisa Color Maple Wood Bent Crucifix.

Hand crafted from solid wood in the traditional artisan area of Val Gardena- Italy. Beautiful detail and exquisite craftsmanship.

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Overall Customer Rating of 2 Reviews
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stunning detail

I wanted a beautiful crucifix in memory of my husband and I found it. This crucifix is so detailed, lightweight and I love it. it measure 31" long and the horizontal (where His hands are nailed) measures about 16 1/2" and width of the cross logs is 1 1/2". The measurements are not in the descriptions. I found 2 crucifixes and I called the 2 companies. This company went and got the cross off the shelf and measured it for me. The other company didn't have time. Thank you sir for your time.

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absolutely beautiful

This crucifix is so detailed and stunning. it is not heavy. it measures 31" long, and the horizontal (where His hands were nailed) is 16 1/2" and the width of the cross beams is 1 1/2". I found 2 different crucifixes and I called the different companies. The dimensions, other than the length, was not in the description. I went with this cross because the gentleman was nice enough to find it and measure everything for me. The other company didn't have time to do that, so thank you very much for your time.