Products 25-48 of 56
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Item #: 89937 -
And God Said What? Introduction Bibilical Literary Formby Margaret Nutting RalphA revised edition of a bestseller that introduces readers to the importance of understanding the various literary forms that appear in Scripture.
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Item #: 80849 -
Pain and suffering have been universal human experiences since our beginning. All religions ask, in one way or another, where suffering comes from, why it exists, and what it means. They ask where we can find the strength to endure. They ask for deliverance from it.This is no less true today. The twentieth century saw brutal totalitarian regimes; two world wars; as well as the genocide, concentration camps, and gulags all resulting in the death of tens of millions of people. In the...
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Item #: 116802 -
A Concise Theology of the New Testament by Frank J. Matera PAPERBACK The inaugural entry in the series Biblical Studies from the Catholic Biblical Association, A Concise Theology of the New Testament provides readers with an accessible introduction to the discipline of New Testament theology. Employing nontechnical language, it summarizes the major theologies of the New Testament and explains the contribution that New Testament theology makes to the life of the Church. ...
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Item #: 116805 -
Remain in Me: Holy Orders, Prayer, and Ministry by James Keating, Paperback The collaboration of priests and deacons in the ministry of the gospel has not always been without some tension. The fiftieth anniversary of the restoration of the Permanent Diaconate in the Catholic Church welcomes a cooperative, creative, and prayer-imbued communion between priests and deacons who labor as one to serve the spiritual needs of parishioners. Remain in Me promotes such a communion, addressing the...
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Item #: 117767 -
Interior Castle Explored St. Teresa's teaching on the Life of Deep Union with God by Ruth Burrows, OCD A penetrating interpretation of St. Teresa of Avila's central teaching on prayer, by a widely-praised and best selling author.
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Item #: 81742 -
Teresa (1515-1582), a Spanish mystic, is considered to be one of the most profound spiritual teachers in the history of Christianity, The Interior Castle is Teresa's masterpiecepaperback
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Item #: 117599 -
Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship Encyclical Letter by Pope Francis Sets out the pope's vision for a post-pandemic world—a preoccupation of his homilies and addresses in the Covid-19 period. In Pope Francis's thinking, care for each other—particularly the poorest and most marginalized in society—cannot be divided from care for creation. “This document is written in an invitational rhetorical style. But be prepared for an unremitting invitation to nothing less than a...
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Item #: 116793 -
Jesus Explained: Questions and AnswersPaperbackby Joseph DoréThis book is simply intended to explain Jesus, and not only to explain Jesus, but to explain him to everyone, clarifying his identity and explaining the movement he began that continues to our own time, using the major headings of history, message, identity, and posterity.
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Item #: 88580 -
A synthesis of Nouwen's integrated approach to spiritual formation which is both driven and tempered by his embodied spirituality of imperfection whereby we learn that the journey to perfection is through imperfection.
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Item #: 88968 -
Explains to children in simple language why and how the Catholic Church celebrates holy days, as they become actively involved in the actual stories of how these days evolved. Ages 5-9.
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Item #: 117482 -
Answers to questions about the Eucharist as meal, sacrifice, and Real Presence, set in the historical background with the meaning for today.PAPERBACK
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Item #: 129988 -
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Item #: 116796 -
Sister Thea Bowman Do You Hear Me, Church? by Peggy A. SklarPaperback Sister Thea Bowman (1939 –1990), a native of a small town in central Mississippi, was a well-known educator, evangelist, gifted singer, scholar, and advocate for diversity and the inclusion of African Americans and African American culture in the Catholic Church. Sister Thea faced many obstacles as a young girl growing up in the segregated South. Her story is intertwined with the disparities and injustices experienced...
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Item #: 81389 -
A youngster's guide to the Rosary, with each mystery keyed to scripture to show how the Rosary is not centered around Mary, but leads us, through Mary, to Jesus; includes illustrations and full prayers for how to pray the Rosary. Ages 5 to 9.
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Item #: 117915 -
The Christian celebration of Christmas gives language to the message of faith. In the season of Advent, the church reflects both on biblical texts of repentance and judgment, and on the mystery of grace. Because of God's victorious grace we can take up the Christmas message of the angel that night at Bethlehem, and we can follow the star that leads us to worship the Son of God. This book brings together homilies that Cardinal Kasper has given over the years in the Advent and Christmas seasons....
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Item #: 116799 -
Celtic Saints and Animal Stories A Spiritual Kinship by Edward C. SellnerPAPERBACK The lives of the Celtic saints constitute the largest body of hagiographies of any group in Christian history to have so many creature stories included in them, revealing early and medieval Irish as true lovers of animals, with the saints sharing this quality to the full. While Native American and Hawaiian peoples, as well as certain Asian spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, and Taoism have...
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Item #: 116806 -
The Heart of the Diaconate: Communion with the Servant Mysteries of Christ by James Keating, PaperbackThrough the three areas of Calling, Formation and Ordination, and Ministry, The Heart of the Diaconate explores the creative tension of the diaconate vocation and what the diaconate for the future will look like. The book outlines what those who are considering the diaconate must possess if it is truly going to be an effective and vibrant ministry within the church. With a focus on...
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Item #: 116766 -
When first published in 1976, and still relevant today, this critically acclaimed work of spiritual theology as reflection on spiritual experience was a growing trend; but at the same time there was a renewed interest in, and a return to, the classical Carmelite theology of prayer, with an effort to formulate that theology in contemporary thought categories. Guidelines for Mystical Prayer embodies both tendencies. It offers a personal narrative, a reflection on the spiritual history of two...
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Item #: 129989 -
Combining both the traditional format and a contemporary perspective, this is a child-friendly guide to praying the stations of the cross. Ages 5-9.
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Item #: 83490 -
Belief in the resurrection of Jesus is central to the Christian faith. But how sure can we be that this belief is well-founded? In "Easter Faith one of the most distinguished Catholic biblical scholars and theologians of our time draws on a lifetime's study and research to review the evidence for the credibility of the resurrection. The result is a lucid and elegant work that brings together biblical scholarship, theology, and lived experience into a unique and compelling portrait of the...
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Item #: 116810 -
Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and the Greatest CommandmentRadical Love in Times of Crisis by Julie Leininger Pycior, PaperbackDorothy Day and Thomas Merton together made history with their radical witness to love of God and neighbor. Even so, this evocative saga has not come center stage—until now. The first-ever pairing of their personal journals reveals that Merton drew great inspiration from Dorothy Day’s devotion to prayer, peace, and privileging “the least,” while she wrote, “I must...
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Item #: 116807 -
Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings by Rev Roland Faley, TOR Paperback A concise explanation of each day's readings for the spiritual guidance of believers. Category: Homiletics/Preaching ISBN: 978-08091-4541-6
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Item #: 91755 -
In this volume are the life and revelations of Saint Birgitta (c. 1303-1373), Sweden's "Joan of Arc," a wife, mother, and mystic who influenced both spiritual and political spheres of EuropePAPERBACK