Products 1-23 of 23
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 108638 -
The Rosary Handbook: Revised and Updated AUTHOR: MITCH FINLEY Why has the Rosary remained such a popular Catholic devotional prayer? In this upbeat and easy-to-read book, Catholic author Mitch Finley explains that the simplicity and depth of the rosary make it a prayer for all seasons. The Rosary is perfect for those times when words can't express our feelings, when we want to contemplate the basic truths of our faith, or when we simply want to enter into God's presence. Finley includes a...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 121878 -
“She had to learn to trust…” How often do we think of Mary’s trust in the Lord? How often do we imagine what it must have been like for her as she accepted the Lord’s invitation to become the mother of our Savior, as she watched him grow from child to man, and witnessed the power of his adult ministry ending in his death and resurrection? What must have trust been like for her? And how can we live as she did? The Rosary can guide us to this same trust of what Mary herself learned: that when we...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 104946 -
Praying for Those with Addictions: A Mission of Love, Mercy, and Hope AUTHOR: ANNE COSTA We all know people who struggle with addictions. Sometimes they are our dearest loved ones. We often feel helpless in the face of their struggle, and yet our prayers are the best weapons we have to help them break free. Anne Costa shows us that we can cooperate with God’s grace as we wait in hope for healing to come. And as we wait, our prayers will help us as well.As someone who struggled with an...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 80384 -
When our children become adults, we cant hold them on our laps and protect them like we used to. We need new strategies for caring for them. And the most important strategy of all is to lift up our adult sons and daughters in prayer and place them in the heart of God. When we do so, Gods love is unleashedin them and in us. God can replace our worries and discouragement with refreshment and hope. Our Father moves mountains of worry and discouragement, leaving new refreshment and delight in its...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 121195 -
Are your adult children away from the faith or lukewarm about their faith? You are not alone! Almost 70 percent of Catholics no longer attend Mass. In this engaging new book, bestselling authors Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak, present easy and relatable opportunities for engaging your children right where they are. You will read about how you can support your adult children while disagreeing about aspects of your faith. Learn how to trust in the Lord and discuss what matters most with the people who...
Availability: LOW STOCK - ACT FAST
Item #: 82152 -
Pope Francis has lessons for all of us—young and old alike. In this beautifully illustrated book, the Holy Father talks about God's love, our friendship with Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the importance of prayer and taking care of the poor, how to get along in our families, and more. Each "lesson" is paired with a story from the Bible—from the parable of the Good Samaritan to the wedding feast at Cana. This is a wonderful way for children to understand the Holy Father's teachings as...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 119480 -
St. Joseph was an ordinary man who was chosen to celebrate the extraordinary. A devout husband, tender father, and skilled worker, he was completely dedicated to both his family and God’s will.In this book, Louise Perrotta invites you to meet and learn from this largely unnoticed saint who was called in a unique way to reveal God’s glory to the entire world. Encounter him in his struggles and triumphs and find how a simple life lived with integrity and faith can be the most impactful. Come to...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 112167 -
What's the difference between being a grandparent and being a Catholic grandparent? You'll find the answer to this question—and much more—in The Catholic Grandparents Handbook. This book offers ideas and inspiration on how you can incorporate faith, hope, love, and fun into your relationship with your grandchildren. Topics such as the importance of prayer, sharing faith, passing on family history, and preserving family traditions are explored. You'll also find valuable advice on helping...
Availability: LOW STOCK - ACT FAST
Item #: 116524 -
Women are created to live in community. So often though, we think we don’t have community. Or we think that we don’t need community. Or we think that the community we know and love is all he wants for us. But God actually has a lot to say about women gathering together in friendship, and it will take us a lifetime to live out his vision for us. A daily Scripture study with room to journal and a plethora of helpful tips and tools, this beautifully designed book explores God’s plan for his...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 119574 -
Transforming a parish is challenging, demanding, and sometimes messy work. Divine Renovation Apprentice, Fr. Simon Lobo breaks open his experience as an associate pastor working on the renewal of St. Benedict Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the birthplace of Divine Renovation. With honesty, humility, and great clarity, Fr. Simon offers his personal reflections on the actual process of renovation with practical wisdom critical to anyone who wants to see their parish experience new life. More...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 120827 -
Have you spent time and effort trying to discover lasting peace, only to end up frustrated and anxious? It is hard to know where to begin, and you are not alone! After all, how does one go about getting to know the creator of the universe? Feeling compelled to make a change in his life, Gary Zimak decided to take action, and Journey With God was born. In this book, he lays out a practical, step-by-step approach to knowing, loving, and serving God. Learn to spend time in God's presence and...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 111731 -
God wants to fill your marriage with the love that comes from his very own heart. Praying for (and with) Your Spouse will show you how to let God take every part of your relationship to the next level—from living each day with your joys and struggles to working out your decisions and disagreements to setting aside time for love and romance. Prayer, in marriage, is more than checking off a box. It is time spent in the presence of the Author of love himself. Every time we pray for and with our...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 122358 -
Your Most Powerful Question offers a practical, simple discernment tool to help Catholics find their purpose and define their role in God’s plan. Dr. Olesnavage provides clear, easy-to-follow steps to identify the powerful question embedded in your own life story—no matter where you are on your journey. Readers will also discover an energizing lens that empowers them to see service as a gift to themselves as well as to God.Dig a little and you will find that extraordinary people, including the...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 117707 -
What if you could live each day with joy and purpose? Join beloved author Deacon Greg Kandra as he uncovers the rich treasury of Scripture and Tradition to discover just how to live an extraordinary life starting today!“Deacon Greg Kandra leaves us feeling that an extraordinary life is within grasp if we just pay a bit closer attention to God and our neighbor.” — Greg Erlandson, director and editor-in-chief, Catholic News Service“How can I love God and love my neighbor? The truth is that I’m...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 119523 -
What can Jesus teach us about praying into the heart of the Father? This powerful book shows how we can use the scriptures to sync our hearts with God’s will. Scripture scholar Leonard DeLorenzo invites us to take a deep dive into Scripture and discover how to pray from the greatest teacher of all—Jesus.PAPERBACK
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 121399 -
This beautiful book will bring the rich traditions of the Catholic Church’s liturgical year into your home and your heart. You’ll find each month and season of the liturgical year is brimming with possibilities—feasts to be celebrated, litanies to discover, and saints to befriend.Throughout the year, you will learn and be encouraged by the saints, follow feasts and fasts, tune into the Liturgy of the Hours, and offer up a penance on Fridays in commemoration of Jesus’ sacrifice for you.Most...
Availability: Backorder
Item #: 116125 -
My First Communion Prayer BookThis collection of new and traditional Catholic prayers will help children make prayer a daily part of their lives. From the moment they wake up in the morning until they go to bed at night, they can turn to Jesus with a special prayer. Each page is beautifully illustrated with scenes from the Bible that will captivate every child. An entire section is dedicated to the prayers of the Mass, so children can take this book with them to church on Sundays.Binding:...
Availability: Backorder
Item #: 117812 -
A World Undone: Finding God When Life Doesn’t Make SenseDiscover the One Thing That Changes EverythingIn this booklet, beloved speaker Fr. Mike Schmitz unfolds the mystery of brokenness. He reminds us that we have been fought for by a God who wants us as we are, not as we should be or hope to be. The Lord’s will for us is to find our identity in him and to thrive, living the life he has given us.“Filled with wisdom and keen spiritual insight, A World Undone breathes hope into darkness by...
Availability: Backorder
Item #: 120108 -
More than ever, Christians must be grounded in their identity and purpose to reach a hurting world. This groundbreaking book brings together the latest best practices for how to be (and help others become) mature, balanced, and joyful Christians today. Evangelism experts Gordy DeMarais and Daniel Keating lay out thoughtful actions for effectively bringing Christ to the world. A must-read for every follower of Jesus.
Availability: Backorder
Item #: 84196 -
Jesus Speaks To Me On My First Holy Communion BookThis book combines biblical accounts, lovingly retold through Jesus' first hand perspective, and a " memory book" of sorts for the child celebrating. The book contains a gift inscription page, pages to record memories of the special day, a page for the invitation and program, photo pages and more. Additionally, our favorite traditional prayers are all included in the book. Jesus Speaks To Me On My First Holy Communion BookI am Jesus. And I want...
Availability: Backorder
Item #: 103409 -
Pope Francis takes a pastoral approach to the family in this long-awaited exhortation. This is an important document that will guide the Church for years to come in its care and attention to the family in all its dimensions. A study guide is included so it can be used for small-group discussion and reflection. Or read it together as a family!Paperback.
Availability: Backorder
Item #: 119179 -
In this engaging book, Laura Stierman invites you to find guidance and inspiration in the words of Scripture in a personal, more thoughtful way. Through a simple, concise, and meaningful technique applied to the stories of eight women in the Bible, discover how God’s word is indeed fascinating, hopeful, and relevant to our daily lives.
Availability: Backorder
Item #: 112369 -
Meet Jesus in prayer. Prayer lifts us up and transforms our lives—and the lives of those we love. This beautiful prayer book is the perfect guide for women of all ages who want to deepen their personal relationship with the Lord. Through traditional and contemporary prayers, women will engage in conversation with a loving and compassionate God about their lives, their families, and the cares of their hearts.A beautiful resource. Beautifully designed and easy to use, this book is an ideal...