Products 1-48 of 107
Item #: PT14628 -
At Home with the Word STANDARD, LARGE PRINT AND SPANISH EDITIONS At Home with the Word® guides readers to a deeper understanding of the Sunday Scriptures, providing the readings for this liturgical year, insights from Scripture scholars, and action steps to help parishioners fully connect with the readings from Mass. The resource also includes prayers, citations for weekday readings, and access to additional reflection questions and action steps for families, Christian initiation groups, and...
Item #: PT12942 -
Children's Daily Prayer Throughout the history of the Church, Christians have consecrated time by pausing at various moments throughout the day to pray the Liturgy of the Hours (Guide for Celebrating Liturgy of the Hours). Children’s Daily Prayer is a form of the Liturgy of the Hours adapted for children. It helps guide children in a daily service of communal prayer, following the pattern of the Church’s Morning Prayer. The heart of this annual resource is a simple order of prayer for each day...
Item #: PT14632 -
2025 The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and HomeboundAs an extension of the compassionate ministry of Jesus, ministers of care go forth from the Eucharistic celebration so that they may share the Word of God and holy Communion with those who are sick and cannot attend Sunday Mass. The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and Homebound compiles in one place all the rites a lay minister needs to perform this ministry with great care and sensitivity. The rites have been adapted for...
Item #: PT14624 -
The celebration of the Liturgy of the Word with children is a liturgical experience that opens young people to hear and respond to God’s Word in ways that enable them to be nurtured and challenged by its power, and to experience the grace of ongoing conversion to the vision and values of the Word of God. Children's Liturgy of the Word 2024–2025 enables prayer leaders to confidently lead children through the Liturgy of the Word. Each liturgy guide offers: An overview of the seasonWeekly guides...
Item #: 102982 -
As the number of available priests has declined, the Sunday Mass is becoming less and less available in some parishes and dioceses. Sunday Celebrations In the Absence of a Priest addresses this growing reality by providing the appropriate ritual to be used in the celebrating community. This revised ritual edition of Sunday Celebrations In the Absence of a Priest includes Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and two appendices, Directory for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest and...
Item #: 83082 -
Don't let servers attend the altar until they've read this guide! Covers the Sacramentary, Lectionary, Order of the Mass, and much more. Includes the Revised Order of Mass.48 PAGES
Item #: 127309 -
Here is the book to provide you with the directions and indications needed to carry out the various rites found in the liturgical books of the Catholic Church. This manual aims to restore the grammar and syntax to the body language demanded by the celebration of Mass, the sacraments, and sacramentals. The scope is limited to those rites that the typical parish clergy are most likely to celebrate on a regular basis. It will assist priests and all those who exercise liturgical ministries with a...
Item #: 127678 -
All of the baptized, equal in dignity, are called to participate in the mission of the Church and answer the universal call to holiness. The ecclesial movements and new communities that emerge are providential gifts of the Spirit of God and signs of His fruitfulness, affirmed by the recent documents of the popes. In these encouraging pages, you will see the harmony between vocations and the numerous blessings that flow from these movements in the Church, including the strengthening of...
Item #: 81916 -
The celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of the Church. Participating in this sacrament enables the Catholic faithful to encounter the presence, love, and mercy of Christ. Because this sacrament is so important, the Church provides the option for lay ministers to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ when there is not enough priests and deacons available to do so; Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are also deputed for ministry at Mass and for the needs of the sick, the...
Item #: 96110 -
Guide for Lectors and Readers, Second Editionby Michael Cameron, Corinna Laughlin, Virginia Meagher, Paul Turner Because readers provide a bridge between the Word of God and the assembly, helping Christ speak to his people, they need to understand, believe, and love the Word of God they proclaim. The Introduction to the Lectionary calls for a preparation for lectors and readers that includes spirituality, biblical and liturgical formation, and technical instruction for proclamation. This book...
Item #: 82213 -
The work of the sacristan is extremely important, for without their preparations, the Mass cannot begin. Sacristans work behind the scenes to help ensure proper celebration of the liturgy, setting out the books, the vestments, the vessels, the bread, and the wine. Grounded in Church doctrine and liturgical practice, this updated guide provides newly formed and experienced sacristans with the skills and theological insights to help them fulfill these crucial tasks. This guide includes:...
Item #: PT14626 -
Those who prepare the liturgy are entrusted with a very important task—helping our assemblies to encounter the real presence of Christ and to be transformed and strengthened for discipleship. Life-giving celebrations of the liturgy help foster and nourish the faith of our parishioners. Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays is a trusted annual publication providing insightful, concise, and detailed suggestions for preparing the Mass each day of the liturgical year. With its focus on...
Item #: 82464 -
The Deacon Readerby James KeatingThe first-ever systematic academic text for the first years of formation of deacons. This collection of essays on history, pastoral theology, and sociology covers the entire scope of diaconal life.
Item #: 131153 -
“Fr. Mullady offers a readable and rock-solidly reliable treatment of what is surely the most important — and debated — subject in contemporary Catholic theology. His approach to Church doctrine (ecclesiology) demonstrates the profound consistency and coherence of the Magisterium’s teaching as it draws from biblical and patristic sources and develops from the medieval to the modern period, culminating in Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium). In the process, Fr....
Item #: 116716 -
Alleluia to AmenThe Prayer Book for Catholic Parishes Author: Justin McClainForeword by: Timothy P. O'Malley Alleluia to Amen is an indispensable resource for parish leaders and volunteers looking for prayers to offer at gatherings outside of Mass. Justin McClain, author of Called to Pray and Called to Teach, provides busy leaders like you with original and traditional prayers to help you lead your faith community in prayer with confidence and ease. While Catholics regularly gather for...
Item #: 117386 -
Receive the Gospel of Christ whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach. These are the words a newly ordained deacon hears from his bishop as the Book of the Gospels is placed in his hands. It is a solemn but joyous moment in which the deacon is called to a lifelong pursuit of the spiritual life. The foundation of the diaconate is intimate communion with Christ the Servant. This communion originates and deepens in the interior life,...
Item #: 126379 -
“We have to look at the truth head-on: the priesthood seems to be failing,” explains Cardinal Robert Sarah in this book. “The priesthood, its status, its mission, and its authority have been placed at the service of the worst crimes. . . The search for worldly glory, power, honors, earthly pleasures, and money has infiltrated the hearts of priests, bishops, and cardinals. How can we tolerate such deeds without trembling, without weeping, without asking ourselves probing questions?” In the arid...
Item #: 112926 -
by Anthony J. Gittins, Foreword by Gerald A. Arbuckle Our globalized world increasingly brings together people of many different cultures, though not always harmoniously. In recent decades, multinational companies have sought more efficient strategies for authentic intercultural collaboration. But in today's multicultural world-church, faith communities too—from local parishes to international religious communities—are faced with the challenge of intercultural living. The social sciences have...
Item #: 80696 -
Winner of two 2014 Catholic Press Awards: Pastoral Ministry (First Place) and Design and Production (Honorable Mention). Drawing on the wisdom gleaned from thriving mega-churches and innovative business leaders while anchoring their vision in the Eucharistic center of Catholic faith, Fr. Michael White and lay associate Tom Corcoran present the compelling and inspiring story to how they brought their parish back to life. Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church...
Item #: 129010 -
With wit and wisdom, Dr. Ray Guarendi gives parents the tools they need not only to navigate the teen years but also to enjoy them. Teens are “full of life, enthusiasm, energy, and laughter,” Dr. Ray asserts, in defiance of a culture that conditions us to expect a far gloomier reality. Too often, the world tells parents to be content with mediocrity instead of the prospect of raising respectful and responsible children with strong character. In a lively question-and-answer format, Dr. Ray...
Item #: 127184 -
Abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, and socialized medicine are all rampant today, and more and more receive the blessing of the civil law — even in countries traditionally considered to be Catholic. In these incisive pages, Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P., answers the question: Should law implement morality or not? He provides you with a compendium of accessible answers to a range of questions on spiritual and moral theology. In part 1, you will come to understand the nature of society and principles...
Item #: 93363 -
Paperback | 8 1/2 x 11 | 288 pages | Language: English Nature both adorns and strips the fields and the garden, the woods and the city park, according to the seasons: adding or taking away color and texture, growth and decay, images of birth, death and rebirth. So, too, the Christian community adorns and strips its house according to the seasons of the liturgy’s calendar. We crown the year of grace with images and signs of the paschal mystery, to proclaim the coming fulfillment of the reign of...
Item #: 85428 -
Top 10 Reasons To Come Back To The Catholic Church Pamphlet Author: DuquinWith more people returning to church during this time of crisis as well as those heading back to church around the holiday time, you'll want to do everything you can to reach out to them. The Top 10 Reasons to Come Back to the Catholic Church helps you convey that no matter how long a person has been away, they can always come home. Just like the title says, this pamphlet shows you simple ways to prepare for the birth of...
Item #: 113160 -
This concise, easy-to-use pastoral resource provides spiritual nourishment for extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Rooted in the Sunday gospels, this indispensable aid invites reverent and prayerful preparation for liturgical ministry. Living Liturgy™ for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion highlights the connections between the Word, Eucharist, and living in service of others. Ministers will find this resource to be formative for their own personal reflection and a helpful tool...
Item #: 82430 -
For more than twenty years, A Concise Guide to Canon Law has provided priests, deacons, and lay pastoral ministers with essential information about Church laws that regularly impact the lives of everyday Catholics. This compact reference guide addresses topics such as who can receive the sacraments and when, the responsibilities of pastors and bishops; administration of parishes; and the role of finance and pastoral councils. The book also now includes the teachings of Popes Benedict XVI and...
Item #: 103689 -
The consolidation and closure of parishes across the United States has become a fact of contemporary Catholic life. Responding to such an event is often traumatic. How do lay leaders allow their parish to heal when an approved ritual format does not exist? Through the voice of experience and local diocesan offices, Michael Weldon, OFM, has created a guide to the reconciliation process and the rites of parish closures in A Struggle for Holy Ground. Composed of thirty-five interviews conducted...
Item #: 107085 -
All In Why Belonging to the Catholic Church Matters Author: Pat Gohn In this passionate and unapologetic account of why her faith in Christ and the Catholic Church are the source of meaning and joy in her life, Pat Gohn—popular speaker, retreat leader, catechist, and author of Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious—invites you to become more confident in the power of the Catholic faith to transform your life as well. What’s the one thing that defines your life and brings you the most good, the most...
Item #: 117381 -
by James C. PauleyFilled with powerful testimonies from catechists; the fundamentals of evangelization, catechesis, and discipleship; and even helpful connections for parents, An Evangelizing Catechesis will change your approach to teaching the Catholic Faith. It is perfect for parish catechists, Catholic school religion teachers, parish and diocesan catechetical leaders, youth ministers, RCIA coordinators, pastors, and parents.
Item #: 116800 -
Anointed and Sent: Reflections of Gratitude and Praise for the Priesthood PAPERBACK by Pope Francis This series of reflections on the meaning and ministry of the priesthood is based on the pope’s Holy Thursday Chrism Mass homilies delivered from March 2013 to the present. In addition, it includes the pope’s letter to priests on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the death of St. John Vianney, patron saint of priests. ...
Item #: 87107 -
"It is not the same thing to have known Jesus as not to have known him, not the same thing to walk with him as to walk blindly, not the same thing to hear his word as not to know it…. We know that with Jesus life becomes richer."-Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel In her first book, Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, Sherry Weddell, cofounder of the Catherine of Siena Institute, captured the attention of Catholics across the globe as she uncovered the...
Item #: 122527 -
We can’t just talk about Christ’s presence in the Eucharist; we have to believe it, celebrate it, and live it both individually and as a community of the faithful. And we must cultivate a culture in our parishes that treats Real Presence not only as an important Catholic doctrine, but also as the most important part of parish identity. In Becoming Eucharistic People, theologian Timothy P. O’Malley, author of Real Presence, outlines four essential dimensions of a Eucharistic culture in a...
Item #: 125167 -
The eucharistic celebration is a vital part of the life and ministry of every priest and deacon. At the same time, the Eucharist is also a compelling narrative of all that Christ is for the People of God. In this book, Fr. Scott Detisch explores a spirituality of holy orders through the eucharistic actions of Christ: take, bless, break, and give. These are more than ritual actions the deacon or priest performs within the liturgy. As they did for Jesus Christ, these eucharistic words define who...
Item #: 109101 -
From the moment life begins and through all the years that follow, God entrusts His children to us first at home and then in our church family. Blueprints for Children’s Ministry can help churches with this responsibility. In this book, the author covers the basics for children’s ministry, addressing questions such as these: Why build a children’s ministry? What’s the difference between children’s ministry and child ministry? How can children’s ministry be constructed? This useful book offers...
Item #: 108852 -
“This is the secret of the Saints: abiding in Christ, joined to him like branches to the vine, in order to bear much fruit.” Pope Francis We have an obligation as Christians to share the Gospel of Christ. But many are at a loss as to how to fulfill this commission. Good news – we have a clear path we can follow, trod by holy men and women who have successfully brought millions of souls to Christ, the saints! In his newest book, Casting Nets with the Saints, author and speaker Chris Stewart...
Item #: 107957 -
Christian Faith and the Power of Thinking Editor: Fr. Jay Harrington, O.P.; Chapters by Fr. Thomas O’Meara, O.P.; Fr. Richard Woods, O.P.; Fr. Jay Harrington, O.P.; Fr. Paul Philibert, O.P.; Fr. Mark Wedig, O.P.; Fr. Charles Dahm, O.P.; Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, O.P.; Fr. Benedict Viviano, O.P.; Fr. James Marchionda, O.P. This volume is offered as a gift to the Order of Preachers, the Dominican family, and other interested readers as we celebrate and commemorate those who have gone before us,...
Item #: 85342 -
Bishops' statement for pastors and parish leaders seeking to strengthen parish social ministry. Presents seven elements of the social mission of parishes as a framework for planning and assessing that ministry.
Item #: 122487 -
Because Jesus came not to be served but to serve (Mk 10:45), his Mystical Body, the Church, is essentially a servant Church. It’s precisely through this service that she carries out her mission. The ancient diaconate was instituted, and has been restored in our time, not simply to stand alongside priestly, religious, and lay ministry but to imbue and empower each with a renewed sense of service. Indeed, the Greek word diakonia, which is translated in English as “service,” can also be...
Item #: 119574 -
Transforming a parish is challenging, demanding, and sometimes messy work. Divine Renovation Apprentice, Fr. Simon Lobo breaks open his experience as an associate pastor working on the renewal of St. Benedict Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the birthplace of Divine Renovation. With honesty, humility, and great clarity, Fr. Simon offers his personal reflections on the actual process of renovation with practical wisdom critical to anyone who wants to see their parish experience new life. More...
Item #: 125085 -
The Catholic family is a domestic church, rooted in God’s love and challenged to hope. Yet Catholic families today are beset with attacks from within and without, as were early Christian house churches. The latter faced persecution and rejection from society and even their own family members. Today’s domestic churches face challenges of materialism, individualism, and secularism, coming through technology, media, and the contemporary culture. The Church must respond to these challenges by...
Item #: 115279 -
Father Smith Instructs Jackson: Centennial Edition! Over 3 million copies of this timeless classic have been sold, and it has influenced thousands of conversions. Witness the engaging and accessible interplay between a priest and a non-Catholic inquiring about the Faith. Their conversation is a masterpiece in catechesis -- as Chris Jackson asks the questions generation after generation wants to ask, and Father Smith responds with wisdom, wit, Scripture references, and solid Catholic teaching....
Item #: 111717 -
Gaudete et Exsultate shows us:
How to understand and embrace the call to holiness
How to spot the contemporary enemies of holiness
How to understand Christs call to holiness in the Beatitudes
How to be signs of holiness in our everyday lives
How to draw strength for the battle for holiness
Item #: 81245 -
Go and Make Disciples Vayan y Hagan Discípulos 10th Anniversary Edition English and SpanishPlan y estrategia nacional para la evangelización católica en los Estados Unidos.Los obispos de EE.UU. presentan una inspiradora visión de la evangelización, que se concentra en la conversion del corazón y en la proclamación del Evangelio en un mundo en continuo cambio. Formato de fácil lectura con el texto en inglés y español en p·ginas opuestas. Ideal para grupos parroquiales bilingues. Incluye un...
Item #: 74479 -
These readings and dramatic stories are for use in liturgy, prayer services and classrooms throughout the liturgical yearThese readings and dramatic stories are for use in liturgy, prayer services and classrooms throughout the liturgical year. You'll find the reproducible assembly editions, performance notes, set and costume suggestions and the comprehensive song index extremely helpful in preparing a worship service, choral concert or classroom activity.Recommended for grades K-12. Dramatic...
Item #: 112897 -
Ensuring a smooth and prayerful celebration of the Eucharist begins with a focused, well-trained liturgy or worship committee. Responsible for setting the goals, direction, and principles of the liturgical life of the community, the committee functions best when both newly formed and experienced members of the committee receive training in the basic skills and theological insights that are vital to fulfilling their ministry with God’s grace and guidance. As part of the Liturgical Ministry...
Item #: 116804 -
Impressively Free Henri Nouwen as a Model for a Reformed Priesthood by Michael W. Higgins and Kevin BurnsPaperback Some twenty years now since Nouwen's death, it is instructive to see him in a new light: a postconciliar prophet of a reformed presbyteral model. Nouwen is, in other words, an exemplar of a priesthood that is contemporary, nonclerical, enabling, and effective. His is a ministerial priesthood in keeping with the ecclesial vision of Pope Francis. The authors explore the genesis...
Item #: 131502 -
“Sister Marie describes in detail the life of a Carmelite Nun and shows us by what means and in what manner rich spiritual treasure is being gathered for the benefit of all of us.” — Thomas L. Noa, Bishop of Marquette, in the original foreword This gem of a book is essential reading for anyone interested in knowing the hidden details of life in Carmel — “the powerhouse of prayer.” Sr. Marie, a young novice, addressed this revealing series of letters to her parents and family about her life in...
Item #: 122940 -
“Sacramentalized, but not evangelized” is a phrase often used by those in the Church involved in pastoral outreach and evangelization efforts. While the phrase gets at a truth — many Catholics who have received the sacraments are still in desperate need of evangelization — it is theologically and spiritually imprecise. The problem is not that people have “only” received their sacraments, but that we do not fully understand the evangelizing work of the sacraments themselves. In Invitation and...
Item #: 120100 -
Is there anything in the New Testament about the need for priests in the Church? Many Protestants would argue no. And if you point out that there is a priesthood in the Old Testament, they are likely to say it was a feature of the Old Covenant that was undone by Christ. How should a Catholic respond? In Jesus and the Old Testament Roots of the Priesthood, biblical scholar John Bergsma convinces readers that Jesus did, in fact, intend for a ministerial priesthood to be a key feature of the New...