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Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Products 1-48 of 73
Misal Romano (Deluxe Altar Edition)
Price: $189.00
Item #: 111008 -

    On May 1, 2018, Catholic Book will publish the Misal Romano, the first Spanish language translation of the Roman Missal approved for use in the United States by the USCCB and confirmed by the Apostolic See. The Misal Romano will be available in two editions. Staying true to our commitment of more than 107 years of publishing excellence, our editions of the Misal Romano are formatted nearly page for page as our editions of the Roman Missal. Users of our Roman Missal will feel at home with the...

    Order of Christian Initiation of Adults - Bilingual Edition
    Price: $46.00
    Item #: 131484 -

      On November 1, 2024, Catholic Book Publishing will publish The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, which has been approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See, in both English and Spanish/English Bilingual editions. These editions keep with our more than 110-year commitment to publishing excellence, with every copy subject to rigorous inspection by our staff, ensuring that each book meets our stringent quality requirements. The Bilingual...

      Price: $12.00
      Item #: PT14632 -

        2025 The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and HomeboundAs an extension of the compassionate ministry of Jesus, ministers of care go forth from the Eucharistic celebration so that they may share the Word of God and holy Communion with those who are sick and cannot attend Sunday Mass. The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and Homebound compiles in one place all the rites a lay minister needs to perform this ministry with great care and sensitivity. The rites have been adapted for...

        The Order of Celebrating Matrimony/Rito del Matrimonio (Bilingual Edition)
        Price: $99.95
        Item #: 103479 -

          Spanish-English bilingual edition of the Catholic marriage rite is available in the United States. The Order of Celebrating Matrimony/Ritual del Matrimonio is produced with the beauty, quality, and affordability our customers have come to expect.Liturgical Press tiene el gusto de ofrecer la nica edicin espaol-ingls disponible en los Estados Unidos del Rito del Matrimonio catlico. El volumen del Ritual del Matrimonio / The Order of Celebrating Matrimony es un producto bello, de gran calidad y...

          Leccionario I
          Price: $114.95
          Item #: 81824 -

            Details: 1120 pgs, 6 3/4 x 9 3/16 x 2 1/2Estos leccionarios son aprobados para el uso en los EE.UU.Adviento-Pentecostés. Ciclos A, B, C, I y II. Dominical, Ferial y de Tiempos Liturgicos Especiales. Apéndice con las lecturas propias del santoral. Cantos interleccionales.These Lectionaries approved for use in the U.S.Advent-Pentecost. Cycles A, B, C, I and II. For Sundays, Weekdays, and special liturgical times. Appendix with the readings for saints' feasts. Interlectional chants. ...

            Leccionario II
            Price: $114.95
            Item #: 81825 -

              Volume 2 1142 pgs , 6 3/4 x 9 3/16 Estos leccionarios son aprobados para el uso en los EE.UU. Después de Pentecostés. Ciclos A, B, C, I y II. Domincal, Ferial y de Solemnidades del Senor. Apéndice con las lecturas propias del santoral. Cantos interleccionales.

              Misal Romano/Edicin para el altar
              Price: $169.95
              Item #: 109922 -

                Features: a rich, durable deep-red cloth cover embellished with Christ enthroned, rendered in a distinguished, bold style and foil stamped in gold and copper; interior adorned with eighteen beautiful and original illustrations, specially commissioned for this book, by the liturgical illustrator and artist Emanuel Franco-Gmez, OCarm.; prayer texts set in easy-to-proclaim type on natural ivory quality paper; five sturdy grosgrain ribbon bookmarks and a full complement of beautiful tabs to...

                Juntos para toda la vida Una Preparación Para La Celebración Del Matrimonio
                Price: $8.49
                Item #: 84769 -

                  Juntos para toda la vida Una Preparación Para La Celebración Del Matrimonio La celebración del Matrimonio es un evento muy importante para la vida de cada pareja. Juntos para toda la vida es una guía fácil de usar del P. Joseph Champlin que ayuda a las parejas a participar activamente en su boda. También, les da además la oportunidad de incorporar tradiciones de nuestra cultura hispana. La quinta edición de Juntos para toda la vida provee lecturas y opciones de oración para el Rito de...

                  Leccionario III
                  Price: $114.95
                  Item #: 109463 -

                    Estos leccionarios son aprobados para el uso en los EE.UU. Propio de los santos y otras misas: comunes, rituales, por diversas necesidades, votivas y de difuntos. These Lectionaries approved for use in the U.S. Proper of the Saints and other masses: common, rituals, for diverse needs, votive and for the dead.

                    Madre de las Américas Biblia Católica Familiar
                    Price: $59.95
                    Item #: 112366 -

                      Madre de las Américas Biblia Católica FamiliarThis classic Spanish Edition is set in the Catholic Latinoamericana translation Ivory Padded Cover With Gold Embossing Gold-Gilded Page Edges Special section: Scripture Readings For Our Wedding Day (makes the family Bible a sacramental keepsake to be treasured for a lifetime) Features Include: Presentation page; Scripture Readings for Our Wedding Day; Stories of Christmas (Las Historias de Navidad) and Easter (Las Historias de Pascua) will come...

                      Misal Romano (Chapel Edition)
                      Price: $125.00
                      Item #: 111009 -

                        On May 1, 2018, Catholic Book will publish the Misal Romano, the first Spanish language translation of the Roman Missal approved for use in the United States by the USCCB and confirmed by the Apostolic See. The Misal Romano will be available in two editions. Staying true to our commitment of more than 107 years of publishing excellence, our editions of the Misal Romano are formatted nearly page for page as our editions of the Roman Missal. Users of our Roman Missal will feel at home with the...

                        Order Of Baptism Of Children (Bilingual Edition)
                        Price: $37.00
                        Item #: 80280 -

                          Order Of Baptism Of Children (Bilingual Edition) This Bilingual Edition of the Ritual Edition offers a harmony between the Spanish and English texts, including the Appendix, which has been added to the Spanish Second Typical Edition, first published in the United States in 2009. ?NDICE Cap?tulo I: Rito del Bautismo para varios ni?osCap?tulo II: Rito del Bautismo para un ni?oCap?tulo III: Rito del Bautismo para un gran n?mero de ni?osCap?tulo IV: Rito del Bautismo cuando bautiza un catequista...

                          Ritual de la Penitencia (Rite of Penance)
                          Price: $69.95
                          Item #: 109466 -

                            Orientaciones litúrgicopastorales de la Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica. Celebraciones penitenciales para Cauresma, Adviento y Tiempo Ordinario. Celebraciones penitenciales especiales para niños, para jóvenes y para enfermos. Guías para el examen de conciencia: generales, para niños, para jóvenes. Leccionario completo para las celebraciones penitenciales con la traducción oficial del Episcopado Mexicano. Liturgical/pastoral guidance from the Bishops Commission on Liturgical Ministry...

                            Las Estaciones de la Cruz con textos de las escrituras
                            Price: $1.25
                            Item #: 123765 -

                              Las Estaciones de la Cruz con textos de las escrituras Way of the Cross Booklet (Spanish)4" x 6" 36 pages

                              Biblia de America
                              Price: $25.00
                              Item #: 107111 -

                                This complete translation from the original texts is approved by the Episcopal Conference in Mexico and with the authority of the Episcopal Conferences in Colombia and Chile. Its pastoral character, an important consideration of the translation team of more than 40 leading Scripture scholars, makes it an excellent choice for laypeople as well as for religious and priests. This Bible features ample introductions; useful notes; maps; parallel timelines of events in biblical history, civil...

                                How To Pray The Rosary, Spanish Pamphlet
                                Price: $1.00
                                Item #: 82326 -

                                  The Rosary's rich simplicity has provided solace and courage in rocky times for centuries. Now, as new generations of Catholics face war, economic uncertainty, and moral upheaval, the Rosary is needed as much as ever. As interest in this beautiful devotion continues to rise, this pamphlet can be used as an introduction to, or reinforcement of, the power of the Rosary. This attractive and concise guide will instruct and inspire Catholics in the gentle rhythms and fervent hope of the Rosary....

                                  Liturgia De Las Horas Edicion Popular Letra Grande
                                  Price: $39.95
                                  Item #: 116920 -

                                    La Liturgia de las Horas: Edición Popular ahora se encuentra disponible en letra grande. Laudes – Vísperas – CompletasCiclo de cuatro semanasLetra Grande Este título disponible solamente en Español./This book is written in Spanish only. The Liturgy of the Hours: Popular Edition is now available in large print. Lauds - Vespers - Compline4 Week CycleLarge PrintDetails: 575 pgs, 5 x 8 ...

                                    Liturgia de las Horas Vol 1 Tomo 1: Tiempo de Adviento y Navidad (Advent and Christmas)
                                    Price: $64.95
                                    Item #: 83140 -

                                      Esta edición consta de 4 volúmenes. Cada volumen se vende individualmente. Vol. I: Tiempo de Adviento. Tiempo de Navidad. 1,410 pags.Vol. II: Tiempo de Cuaresma. Santísimo triduo Pascual. Tiempo Pascual. 2,206 pags.Vol. III: Tiempo ordinario. Semanas I-XVII. 1,980 pags.Vol. IV: Tiempo ordinario. Semanas XVIII-XXXIV. 1,950 pags.Edición oficial aprobada por los episcopados de Colombia, Chile, México, Puerto Rico, Argentina, República Dominicana, y confirmada por la Sagrada Congregación para los...

                                      Rosario Biblico (Spanish)
                                      Price: $12.95
                                      Item #: 84590 -

                                        Spanish Edition. This has helped thousands of people pray the rosary with fewer distractions by providing 10 short but poignant biblical quotations for each decade. Provides a brief history of the rosary. The book now includes the Luminous Mysteries. All 20 Mysteries are bound together in a single volume. Includes excerpts from The Jerusalem Bible. Hardcover, 3 x 5, 100 pages.

                                        Biblia de America
                                        Price: $25.00
                                        Item #: 108318 -

                                          This complete translation from the original texts is approved by the Episcopal Conference in Mexico and with the authority of the Episcopal Conferences in Colombia and Chile. Its pastoral character, an important consideration of the translation team of more than 40 leading Scripture scholars, makes it an excellent choice for laypeople as well as for religious and priests. This Bible features ample introductions; useful notes; maps; parallel timelines of events in biblical history, civil...

                                          Devocion A La Preciosisima Sangre de Nuestro Senor Jesucristo
                                          Price: $17.98
                                          Item #: 80899 -

                                            Devocion A La Preciosisima Sangre de Nuestro Senor Jesucristo Author: Nwoye, Barnabas"El mejor tiempo de nuestra devoción, Un Llamado a la Santidad", esta devoción fue dado a un hombre joven llamado Bernabé en Nigeria Nwoye. El Señor le dio la tarea de recibir y dar a conocer la devoción a la Preciosa Sangre. Queenship se enorgullece de ser seleccionado por el Apostolado de publicar este libro en América. El manual de instrucciones y oraciones fue dado por nuestro Señor para ti. Amor de...

                                            DIARY OF SAINT MARIA FAUSTINA KOWALSKA, SPANISH
                                            Price: $17.95
                                            Item #: 80203 -

                                              The Book That Sparked the Divine Mercy Movement The Diary chronicles God's message given through St. Faustina to the world to turn to His mercy. In it, we are reminded to trust the Divine Mercy in Jesus and seek His forgiveness. And as Christ is merciful, so, too, are we instructed to be merciful to others. The message of Divine Mercy has become an integral part of Catholic faith, including the celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy on the Sunday after Easter. ...

                                              Misal Romano/Edicin para capilla
                                              Price: $119.95
                                              Item #: 109923 -

                                                Features: a rich, durable deep-red cloth cover embellished with Christ enthroned, rendered in a distinguished, bold style and foil stamped in gold and copper; interior adorned with eighteen beautiful and original illustrations, specially commissioned for this book, by the liturgical illustrator and artist Emanuel Franco-Gmez, OCarm.; prayer texts set in easy-to-proclaim type on natural ivory quality paper; five sturdy grosgrain ribbon bookmarks and a full complement of beautiful tabs to...

                                                Pieta My God, Spanish Version
                                                Price: $3.50
                                                Item #: 88260 -

                                                  SPANISH VERSION The Pieta Pocket Prayer Booklet (Including the 15 Prayers Revealed to St Bridget of Sweden, and Over 50 Other Prayers for All Occasions) Paperback; 80 pages; 5.7 x 3.7 x 0.4 inches This is the classic book presents the beautiful truths and devotions of our Roman Catholic Faith. Those who use these prayers devoutly may obtain greater grace to better serve God. The book draws particularly on the source of God's goodness and mercy - a source which is virtually underutilized. The...

                                                  Ritual Breve Para El Presbitero Itinerante
                                                  Price: $64.95
                                                  Item #: 120107 -

                                                    Un ritual es un libro que contiene la forma en que han de celebrarse los ritos de los distintos sacramentos. Se llama "ritos" a los gestos y textos que expresan y forman una acción litúrgica. El Ritual breve no es un nuevo ritual, porque no se refiere a un rito "nuevo". Es una pequeúa selección de los rituales oficiales actualizados. Especialmente de aquellas celebraciones que puede presidir el presbítero. Está pensando en las necesidades de los presbíteros que en su ministerio pastoral tienen...

                                                    Ritual De La Sagrada Comunion Y Del Culto Eucaristico Fuera De La Misa
                                                    Price: $39.95
                                                    Item #: 116919 -

                                                      Details: 260 pgs, 6 3/4 x 9 1/4 x 3/4HARDCOVER La concelebración de la Eucaristía en el sacrificio de la Misa es verdaderamente el origen y el fin del culto, que se atribuía a la misma Eucaristía fuera de la Misa. Las sagradas Especies se conservan principalmente para que los fieles, que no pudieron participar en la Misa, sobre todo los enfermos y los ancianos, se unan a Cristo, quien se inmola en la Misa, y a su sacrificio mediante la Comunión sacramental. Este título disponible solamente en...

                                                      YOUCAT Spanish Edition
                                                      Price: $19.95
                                                      Item #: 80276 -

                                                        SPANISH EDITIONYOUCAT is short for Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church. Developed with the help of young Catholics and written for high-school age people and young adults, YOUCAT is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith. The appealing graphic format includes Questions-and-Answers, highly-readable commentary, summary definitions of key terms, Bible citations and inspiring and thought-provoking quotes from Saints and others in the margins. What's more, YOUCAT is keyed...

                                                        Catechism of the Catholic Church, Spanish Updated Edition Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica Segunda Edicion
                                                        Price: $32.95
                                                        Item #: 124902 -

                                                          The official Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly spells out the Church's beliefs on: Love and marriageChildrenGod, creation, humanity, life, death, and the afterlifeMary, the Church, the saints, and the sacramentsAnd much, much more.804 pages, paperbackSPANISH TEXT

                                                          El Bautismo de su bebé Bienvenidos A La Familia De Dios DVD
                                                          Price: $36.99
                                                          Item #: 112413 -

                                                            El Bautismo de su bebé Bienvenidos A La Familia De Dios DVD El Bautismo de su bebé: Bienvenido a la familia de Dios con P. Jim Deiters. Incluye también un mensaje de bienvenida de Mons. Robert Carlson, arzobispo de St. Louis, Missouri. Este DVD de 30 minutos celebra y renueva tu fe, a la vez que confirma tu decisión de educar a tu hijo en la fe católica. Durante la ceremonia, presta atención a las lecturas y a los símbolos para que experimentes la grandeza y plenitud de Dios que se hace...

                                                            El bautismo de su bebé Guía Del Participante (Para Padres De Familia) by ANTONIO RAMÍREZ DE LEÓN
                                                            Price: $5.99
                                                            Item #: 82324 -

                                                              El bautismo de su bebé Guía Del Participante (Para Padres De Familia) by ANTONIO RAMÍREZ DE LEÓN El bautismo de tu bebé representa un momento de inmensa felicidad. No por nada hacemos fiesta e invitamos a nuestros seres queridos para que se unan a la celebración. Pero, ¿qué es lo que celebramos?, pues celebramos -y experimentamos- el gran amor qué Dios tiene por él y por todas las demás personas que participan de este sacramento. Este día contiene un profundo significado de vida, más aún,...

                                                              Ilustradas Las Vidas De Los Santos
                                                              Price: $17.00
                                                              Item #: 108319 -

                                                                Spanish edition of the best-selling Illustrated Lives of the Saints. A handy, popular, beautifully illustrated book with short, inspiring biographies for each day of the year. Pages: 576Author: REV. H. HOEVER, S.O. CIST., Ph.D.Size: 4 1/4 x 6 3/8Color: BLACKBinding: HARDCOVER

                                                                The Order of Confirmation/Ritual para la Confirmacion
                                                                Price: $49.95
                                                                Item #: 102581 -

                                                                  The Order of Confirmation (English & Spanish) “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8). With these words, Jesus proclaimed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church—an outpouring that continues today in the Order of Confirmation through the ministry of the bishops. The Order of Confirmation/Ritual para la Confirmación has an updated English translation that the Holy See approved with its recognitio in 2015. Beginning on...

                                                                  Aprendemos sobre la misa. Edición revisada Gerard Moore  Order code: SWLAMR | 978-1-61671-580-9 | Saddlestitched | 6 x 9 | Language: Spanish
                                                                  Price: $3.50
                                                                  Item #: 116894 -

                                                                    This cost-effective Spanish resource is for use with second, third, fourth, and fifth graders preparing for their first Holy Communion or Christian initiation. The perfect supplement to any diocesan approved religious education text book, it is also helpful to parents looking for ways to discuss and guide their child through the liturgy. Inside children will learn: the prayers and responses you say aloudwhen to sit and kneelhow to praise Godto pray for the world and those you loveto listen to...

                                                                    Atrévete a ser más
                                                                    Price: $6.99
                                                                    Item #: 125129 -

                                                                      El beato Carlo Acutis, conocido oficialmente como el patrón de Internet, es un modelo a seguir para los adolescentes de hoy en día. Un adolescente corriente de la generación del milenio, que disfrutaba con el fútbol, los ordenadores y los videojuegos, pero también estaba comprometido con la misa, la confesión y la oración. Utilizaba sus conocimientos informáticos para difundir la devoción a la Eucaristía y la comprensión de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Le diagnosticaron leucemia y solo tenía...

                                                                      Biblia de mi Primera Comunión (Marrón)
                                                                      Price: $24.95
                                                                      Item #: 107711 -

                                                                        Biblia de mi Primera Comunión (Marrón) Biblia De Mi Primera Comunión is the perfect gift for little Catholics from parents, godparents, pastors, or any special person in their life and the perfect way to encourage children s love for the Lord, present in the Holy Eucharist. This beautiful Bible Story book is specially designed to mark a child's First Holy Communion. Special features include a Communion Record page and a beautiful two page letter from beloved priest Father Benedict Groeschel,...

                                                                        Biblia de mi primera comunión (Marfil)
                                                                        Price: $24.95
                                                                        Item #: 107710 -

                                                                          Biblia De Mi Primera Comunión is the perfect gift for little Catholics from parents, godparents, pastors, or any special person in their life and the perfect way to encourage children s love for the Lord, present in the Holy Eucharist.Your child's First Holy Communion is one of the most solemn and significant days in his or her life. And there is no better way to mark this special occasion than with Biblia De Mi Primera Comunión, new from Saint Benedict Press. This beautiful Bible Story book...

                                                                          Biblia Ilustrada para Ninos
                                                                          Price: $14.95
                                                                          Item #: 88796 -

                                                                            Biblia Ilustrada para NinosHARDCOVERBible stories for children illustrated in full color. An ideal introduction to the magnificent stories of the Bible. Large type. 176 pages. Size 7-1/4” x 10-1/4”.

                                                                            Bilingual Christ the Lord Christmas Offering Envelope
                                                                            Price: $9.95
                                                                            Item #: 135218 -

                                                                              Encourage joyful Christmas stewardship with this bilingual Christmas offering envelope. It features full-color Old Master artwork depicting three quiet observers beside Mary, Joseph, and the Christ Child. A KJV scripture appropriately corresponds. It reads, For unto you is born this day...a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11, KJV). The included Spanish version says, which says, Porque as ha nacido hoy...un Salvador, que is Cristo el Senor (Lucas 2:11, RVR 1960). The title "Christmas...

                                                                              Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica (Mass Market Edition)
                                                                              Price: $13.00
                                                                              Item #: 124903 -

                                                                                Here it is — the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholic throughout the world believe in common. This book is the catechism (the word means “instruction”) that will serve as the standard for all future catechisms.The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the Sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every...

                                                                                Consagracion a San Jose: Las Maravillas de Nuestro Padre Espiritual
                                                                                Price: $16.95
                                                                                Item #: 118881 -

                                                                                  Aprovechando la riqueza de la tradición viva de la Iglesia, el P. Donald Calloway, MIC, nos llama a todos a regresar a San José, a confiar en nosotros mismos, en nuestra Iglesia y a nuestro mundo al cuidado amoroso de nuestro padre espiritual, y esperar las maravillas cuando el Patrón Universal de la Iglesia abra las compuertas del Cielo y derrame gracias en nuestras vidas. Definitivamente un libro para nuestro tiempo, Consagración a San José está dedicado a enfrentar los desafíos del momento...

                                                                                  Divine Mercy Message and Devotion Spanish Booklet
                                                                                  Price: $3.99
                                                                                  Item #: 114751 -

                                                                                    This immensely popular Spanish book provides you with a comprehensive introduction to the message and devotion to the Divine Mercy A handy guide for those who want to learn the main points of Devotion to the Divine Mercy. This revised edition contains more information about the Divine Mercy and the Church, full-color photos and a cover made of durable material. by Father Seraphim Michalenko, M.I.C., Vinny Flynn and Robert Stackpole. Page Count88FormatPaperbackSize3.5 x 6LanguageSpanish ...

                                                                                    Go and Make Disciples Vayan y Hagan Discípulos 10th Anniversary Edition English and Spanish
                                                                                    Price: $7.95
                                                                                    Item #: 81245 -

                                                                                      Go and Make Disciples Vayan y Hagan Discípulos 10th Anniversary Edition English and SpanishPlan y estrategia nacional para la evangelización católica en los Estados Unidos.Los obispos de EE.UU. presentan una inspiradora visión de la evangelización, que se concentra en la conversion del corazón y en la proclamación del Evangelio en un mundo en continuo cambio. Formato de fácil lectura con el texto en inglés y español en p·ginas opuestas. Ideal para grupos parroquiales bilingues. Incluye un...

                                                                                      Grandmas Bread and El Pan de la Abuelita A Eucharist Film DVD
                                                                                      Price: $24.95
                                                                                      Item #: 75768 -

                                                                                        A classic story designed to teach important truths about Eucharist, intergenerational relationships, death, and the importance of tradition in our lives. Young Mario, saddened by his grandmother's unexpected death, is delighted when his mother bakes Nonna's special Pane de Pasqua (Easter Bread) as a way of bringing her memory to his First Communion celebration. This DVD includes both the English-language and the Spanish-language versions of this program. 18-minute DVD ...

                                                                                        Hermano Zeferino Libro para Colorear - Ep.04: ¡Perdonado!
                                                                                        Price: $2.99
                                                                                        Item #: 102577 -

                                                                                          Basado en el cuarto DVD de la serie Hermano Zeferino, titulado ¡Perdonado! Las ventajas de la confesión, este cuaderno de actividades para colorear reforzará las enseñanzas acerca de la confesión, la penitencia y el perdón. Dimensiones del libro para colorear: 21.5 x 28 cm. Contiene 16 páginas para colorear en alta resolución. "Forgiven - Coloring and Activity Book" in Spanish Impreso en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. ...

                                                                                          Imitacion De Cristo
                                                                                          Price: $12.00
                                                                                          Item #: 90932 -

                                                                                            Imitacion de Cristo is an easy-to-read Spanish translation of a revised edition of the Imitation of Christ, edited by Clare Fitzpatrick. This classic spiritual text by medieval author Thomas à Kempis is the one religious book second only to the Bible in popularity. The Imitation of Christ shows how to follow the life of Christ to which all are called. Durably bound in red gold-stamped cloth, this book is printed in easy-to-read large type and is superbly illustrated. Pages: 368Author: THOMAS A...

                                                                                            La Biblia católica para niños
                                                                                            Price: $33.95
                                                                                            Item #: 98121 -

                                                                                              La Biblia católica para niñosThe only Spanish children's Bible created just for them! ¡Por fin! ¡Está aquí! La Biblia católica para niños es la primera Biblia completa para niños, que no solo inspira, sino que otorga a los niños el poder para que lean, vivan, comprendan y amen la Palabra de Dios. Los relatos de nuestra fe católica cobran vida con ilustraciones vívidas e inspiradoras, con letra más grande y con muchas más características de diseño que no solo mejoran la comprensión, sino que...

                                                                                              Libro Catolico De Oraciones
                                                                                              Price: $10.95
                                                                                              Item #: 90930 -

                                                                                                Libro Catolico de Oraciones contains many favorite prayers for every day, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and to the Saints. Este libro contiene muchas oraciones favoritas para todos los dias, a la bendita Trinidad, la sagrada Virgen Maria y todos los Santos. Pages: 256 Author: REV. MAURUS FITZGERALD Size: 4 X 6 1/4 Color: BROWN Binding: VINYL

                                                                                                Libro De Bolsillo De Oraciones Catolicas
                                                                                                Price: $6.95
                                                                                                Item #: 90916 -

                                                                                                  San Jose Libro de Bolsillo de Oraciones Catolicas contains a variety of Catholics' favorite prayers in Spanish, including daily prayers, prayers to the saints, prayers of the saints, psalms, and litanies, as well as devotions such as the Rosary and Stations of the Cross. Lavishly illustrated in full color and bound in a flexible brown cover, this handy book is a valuable Spanish-language aid to Catholic prayer and devotion.