The St. Benedict Cross features a very special St. Benedict Medal on the front of the cross. The design of this medal was made by Pope Benedict XIV. There are the initials of some Latin verses: C.S.P.B.( Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti/St. Benedict's Cross);C.S.S.M.L. (Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux/The Holy Cross is my light); N.D.S.M.D (Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux/The devil won't be my guide); V.R.S. (Vade Retro Satana/Be gone devil!); N.S.M.V. (Non Suade Mihi Bana/You won't persuade me to do evil); S.M.Q.L. (Sunt Mala Quae Libas/What you show me is evil); I.V.B. (Ipse Venea Bibas/Drink your poison yourself)
As St. Benedict is invoked against evil, his medals are considered particularly effective for warding off evil. The medal itself has an important prayer used in the Rite of Exorcism, in abbreviated form, on one side and an image of St. Benedict on the other.