It's Time To Order Your Palm for Palm Sunday! SHOP NOW
Serving the Faithful Since 1960
K3115 Gusset Burse
Advent Candle Set- 12" Tapers 3 Purple 1 Pink
Marine Grade 41" JOY Nativity Yard Sign *CLOSEOUT*
White Outdoor Nativity 50" Marine Grade Yard Scene *CLOSEOUT*
10 Inch First Christmas Gifts 16pc Real Life Nativity Set with Stable
12" Evergreen Advent Wreath
Ecumenical Appointment Planner- Deluxe Edition
Mini Purple Scapular - The Scapular of Benediction and Protection for Wear
8 Day SacraLite Glass Sanctuary Light
3 Days of Darkness - 3 Day 100% Beeswax Devotional Candle
First Communion Banner Kit
Cross with Dove Pyx Holds 6-9 Host
Pyx with Pewter Crucifix
Pyx With Chalice Polished Brass
Pyx with Latin Cross
Pyx with Loaves and Fishes
Celtic Cross Pyx, Holds 12-15 Hosts
Chi Rho Pyx 10 Host Cap from Italy
K372 Host Box or Hospital Pyx
3254G Pyx
IHS Pyx - Gold Plated from Italy
Silver Plated St.Benedict Pyx Enameled- Small 2 Inches
2022G IHS Pyx
Pyx with Purple Enamel Chalice
Pyx with Pewter Chalice
Chi-Rho Pyx (holds 12-15 hosts)
Chi-Rho Pyx
Pyx with Pewter Celtic Cross
Gold Pyx with Pewter Crucifix, Small
Pyx with Red Chi-Rho
Celtic Cross Pyx (Holds 20-25 Hosts)
Assorted Pyxes
K143 Hospital Pyx
K160 Hospital Pyx
K170-P Pyx
K187 Pyx
K207 Pyx & Burse
K3007 Zipper Rosary or Pyx Case
K3085 Hospital Burse
K3102 Vinyl Burse
K3108 Zipper Leather Rosary or Pyx Case
Burse, Genuine Black Leather
K3125 Burse with Gusset
K3148 Zipper Burse
K3215 Burse
Pyx with Wheat and Bread Design