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Each October the Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is observed as Respect Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning of life to its end, and at every point in between. During the month of October, the Church asks us to reflect more deeply on the dignity of every human life.

Products 1-29 of 29
I Knew You in the Womb Infant Memorial Statue by Timothy Schmalz
Price: $139.95
Item #: 123913 -

    I Knew You in the Womb Infant Memorial Statue by Timothy Schmalz Sculpture acts for many as a gateway into the viewer's own self understanding and spirituality. The more powerful the representation of the art, the more powerful the invitation becomes. To create work that has the strength to both focus and then hold one's attention, thereby deepening the understanding of the subject being presented - this describes my purpose as a sculptor. "I am devoted to creating meaningful sculpture about...

    Precious Feet, Silver Lapel Pin
    Price: $2.95
    Item #: 17198 -

      The Precious Feet lapel pin is the exact size and shape of an unborn babys feet at 10 weeks after conception. On January 22, 1974 Virginia and Ellis Evers ran across a full page ad in their local newspaper in San Diego, California. Prominent in the ad was a picture of the tiny feet of a ten week old unborn baby held between a man's fingers and thumb. Inspired by the remarkable photo, Virginia Evers felt these little feet would be the ideal Pro-Life symbol. With love and dedication for the...

      Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Pro-Life Movement BY Frank Pavone
      Price: $1.79
      Item #: 80441 -

        Anyone who works in the Pro-Life movement will encounter the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This pamphlet explains the significance of her presence for those seeking respect for life in all its forms. In this image Mary is pregnant with Our Lord. She can offer options to those women who feel trapped and in despair because of an unwanted pregnancy.Pamphlet

        Precious Hands Lapel Pin on Card
        Price: $3.95
        Item #: 12368 -

          Precious Hands Lapel Pin on CardThe Precious Hands are taking their place along side the Precious Feet to educate and stimulate conversations. These lapel pins are the exact size and shape of an unborn baby's hands at 10 -12 weeks. The tiny little fingers are a natural draw into conversation and education.Material: Nickel FinishMaterial Color: SilverSize: 0.5W x 0.25H

          The Anti-Mary Exposed: Rescuing the Culture from Toxic Femininity
          Price: $27.95
          Item #: 119470 -

            Author: Carrie Gress, Ph,D HARDCOVER, 223 PAGES The Demonic Influence on Women TodayIn the late ’60s, a small group of elite American women convinced an overwhelming majority of the country that destroying the most fundamental of relationships—that of mother and child—was necessary for women to have productive and happy lives.From the spoiling of this relationship followed the decay of the entire family, and almost overnight, our once pro-life culture became pro-lifestyle, embracing everything...

            Above All, Love Discerning Ways to Defend Life with Charity and Justice   Elizabeth Gillette
            Price: $14.95
            Item #: 127591 -

              As followers of Christ, each of us is called to participate in pro-life activities, whether in an active ministry group or individually. We are called to respect, protect, love, and serve every human life. Above All, Love will set you on an in-depth personal journey, helping you to cultivate your own pro-life attitude and activities through relatable stories, Scripture verses, and thought-provoking questions. The book culminates with an examination of conscience and prayers focused on pro-life...

              Alive Before You Were Born: Gods Gift of Life
              Price: $10.99
              Item #: 120285 -

                by Kim E. Bestian Before you were born, God knew you and loved you! This simple-concept illustrated children's book communicates the living relationship between God and every child, from the moment of each child's conception. Encourage interaction between parents and children that reinforces the truth that God made them alive from their beginning. Brothers, sisters, multiples—every child!—are a gift to our families. Adults are encouraged to remind children that life is precious and of the...

                Forgiven and Set Free: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Women
                Price: $16.99
                Item #: 117510 -

                  Forgiven and Set Free: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for WomenDisheartening numbers of women have undergone an abortion--and they need help to heal emotionally and spiritually. This study was developed out of Linda Cochrane's own experience of being freed from the bondage of guilt and grief that followed her abortion. Forgiven and Set Free guides suffering and hurting women to bring their emotional scars from abortion "out of the dark past and into his holy light," where true and lasting healing...

                  Gold Plated Pro-Life Rose with Baby Feet Lapel Pin
                  Price: $5.95
                  Item #: 117507 -

                    A great pin incorporating the pro-life rose and the Precious Feet. This pin is perfect as a gift for your volunteers, for banquets, and anywhere you want an elegant pro-life symbol.

                    Ill Hold You in Heaven By: Jack W. Hayford
                    Price: $9.99
                    Item #: 117509 -

                      I'll Hold You in HeavenBy: Jack W. HayfordWhat happened to my baby after she died? Will I ever see her again---or recognize her? Why did God let this tragedy happen? What if I've had an abortion? Drawing from concrete passages in Scripture, Hayford offers compassionate, reassuring answers for parents who've lost children through miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion, or early infant death.

                      In My Mothers Womb
                      Price: $19.95
                      Item #: 128204 -

                        by Fr. Bill Deschamps, Christine Schroeder, Mary Roma and Susan J. Bellavance Illustrated by Dan Andreasen Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you (Jer 1:5a). Life is God's greatest gift - a gift to be cherished, protected, and celebrated. Every child, from the moment of conception, is a gift from God. In My Mother's Womb expresses the mysterious unfolding of a life in a mother's womb from the unique point of view of the child. The story imagines...

                        Our Lady of Guadalupe One Decade Rosary for the Unborn
                        Price: $6.95
                        Item #: 126522 -

                          One decade crystal rosary with Our Lady of Guadalupe medal, the patron saint of the Unborn. Carded with directions and prayers on the back .

                          Persuasive Pro-Life:  How to Talk About Our Cultures Toughest Issue
                          Price: $16.95
                          Item #: 113424 -

                            Are you scared to talk about abortion? Don’t worry—almost everyone is. Either we think the subject is too impolite, or we don’t want to be branded an intolerant fanatic, or we’re afraid we won’t represent the pro-life side well enough. Whatever the reason for this fear, it causes many of us pass up opportunities to speak out on behalf of the unborn. You can overcome this fear, says Trent Horn in his new book Persuasive Pro-Life. With a little knowledge and a few proven techniques, you can...

                            Precious Feet, Gold Lapel Pin
                            Price: $2.95
                            Item #: 17998 -

                              The Precious Feet lapel pin is the exact size and shape of an unborn babys feet at 10 weeks after conception. On January 22, 1974 Virginia and Ellis Evers ran across a full page ad in their local newspaper in San Diego, California. Prominent in the ad was a picture of the tiny feet of a ten week old unborn baby held between a man's fingers and thumb. Inspired by the remarkable photo, Virginia Evers felt these little feet would be the ideal Pro-Life symbol. With love and dedication for the...

                              Pro-Life Baby Car Magnet
                              Price: $8.95
                              Item #: 133113 -

                                Pope Benedict XVI once said, "Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary." Display this pro-life magnet on the back of your car or on your refrigerator, and remember to pray for the unborn. Details: • Magnet size: approximately 3.5in. x 4.25in. • Weatherproof! Durable for vehicle usage • For indoor or outdoor use • Made in the USA

                                Pro-Life Silicone Bracelet - Adult
                                Price: $0.99
                                Item #: 117506 -

                                  Pro-Life Silicone Bracelet - AdultThe message of life can be promoted in the popular rubber-bracelet format using uplifting and positive messages. Perfect for any teenager and great for everyone else, these are priced so low you can afford to give them away! Bracelets are 8 inches circumference.

                                  Roe V. Wade: The Real Story Youve Never Been Told DVD
                                  Price: $14.95
                                  Item #: 123048 -

                                    Based on a true story of 1973 landmark decision rendered by the U.S. Supreme Court on the issue of woman's rights. Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Mildred Jefferson square off in a national battle in this untold conspiracy that led to the most famous and controversial court case in history. Roe v Wade is a compelling and deeper look into the parties involved on both sides of this landmark decision. Amazing ensemble cast including Jon Voight, Nick Loeb, Robert Davi, Stacey Dash, Jamie Kennedy,...

                                    Silent No More: Whats So Bad About Abortion Pamphlet
                                    Price: $0.79
                                    Item #: 117508 -

                                      Silent No More: What's So Bad About Abortion PamphletThis brochure speaks to both the horrors of abortion and to the regret felt by women who have undergone an abortion. The National Silent No More Awareness Campaign wants to share the truth with the general public about the negative consequences of abortion for women. The campaign is also reaching out to women who have experienced abortion, letting them know that help is available.

                                      Speaking for the Unborn
                                      Price: $16.95
                                      Item #: 122855 -

                                        The Pro-life cause is a winning one, and Pro-Life advocates must be able to articulate our powerful and persuasive reasons to anyone who asks. Speaking for the Unborn is all you will ever need to powerfully and persuasively speak up for those who have no voice of their own. Speaking for the Unborn: 30-Second Rebuttals to Pro-Choice Arguments was created because simply knowing that “abortion is wrong” is woefully insufficient to sustain a movement.The Pro-Life cause is a winning one, and...

                                        The Dignity of a Person (Dignitas Personae)
                                        Price: $6.95
                                        Item #: 84177 -

                                          The Dignity of a Person (Dignitas Personae)This Instruction from the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) provides guidance on how to respect human life and human procreation in our heavily scientific age. The Instruction occurs in three parts. The first part explains the Church's fundamental teaching on human life and procreation. The second part addresses new problems in procreation, including techniques for assisting fertility, freezing embryos, and preventing pregnancy....

                                          Unplanned The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leaders Eye-Opening Journey Across the Life Line Author: Abby Johnson
                                          Price: $16.95
                                          Item #: 86613 -

                                            A new, movie-tie in edition of the best-selling book that made national news and shocked the pro-abortion establishment when Abby Johnson, manager of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic and rising star in the industry, suddenly announced she had a conversion on the life issue and was leaving that culture of death. Now a major motion picture in theaters March, 2019, this updated edition of the powerful story includes a new Preface and Epilogue covering the latest events in Abby’s journey, in...

                                            Women Made New Reflections on Adversity, Transformation, and Healing by Crystalina Evert
                                            Price: $21.95
                                            Item #: 125011 -

                                              This powerful book features the captivating stories of twelve women who overcame personal trials and societal deceptions to become champions for the Kingdom of God. Legendary televangelist Mother Angelica’s words of wisdom—and a glimpse into her own story of growing up in a broken home—will help you move from pain and regret to enduring hope and love. Radio personality Teresa Tomeo shares how she learned to follow God’s will amid exhausting career changes, and pro-life leader Catherine Hadro...

                                              Black and Pro-Life in America The Incarceration and Exoneration of Walter B. Hoye II By: Robert Artigo
                                              Price: $19.95
                                              Item #: 113208 -

                                                On Friday, March 20, 2009, fifteen months after the City of Oakland, California, passed a law making it illegal to approach a woman entering an abortion clinic without her consent, Walter B. Hoye II went to jail for standing on a public sidewalk outside an abortion clinic with a sign saying, "God loves you and your baby. Let us help you." The ordained Baptist minister could have accepted a lesser sentence of community service, provided he agreed never to return to the clinic. But he preferred...

                                                Pro-Life Reflections For Every Day
                                                Price: $10.95
                                                Item #: 81224 -

                                                  Minute meditations for every day containing text from Scripture and other Church documents, a reflection, and a prayer intended for pro-life believers to help build and strengthen the Culture of Life. With ribbon marker.

                                                  Remember The Unborn Medium Yard Sign
                                                  Price: $64.95
                                                  Item #: 131992 -

                                                    Mary, Remember the Unborn All Weather Framed Yard Sign A beautiful addition to your homeweather and fade resistantfeatures artwork on both sides so people can see it from both directions (or if putting on the front of your home, you can flip it after 5-7 years if the sun has faded it)the Divine Mercy artwork is printed on durable billboard quality vinyl for maximum sun protectiondurable, maintenance free vinyl framing with steel legshelp spread the Good News of Jesus' unending love and mercy...

                                                    Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer for the Helpless Unborn Laminated Prayer Card
                                                    QTY DISCOUNTS
                                                    Price: $0.99
                                                    Item #: 19149 -

                                                      Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer for the Helpless Unborn Clear, laminated Italian holy cards with Gold Accents. Features World Famous Fratelli-Bonella Artwork. 2.5" x 4.5"

                                                      Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer for the Helpless Unborn Paper Prayer Card, Pack of 100
                                                      Price: $39.95
                                                      Item #: 123346 -

                                                        Traditional sized prayer card, double sided as shown. Image on front and prayer on backside. Each prayer card measures approximately 2.25 inch x 4 inch. SOLD AS PACK OF 100 PAPER PRAYER CARDS

                                                        Prayer for the Helpless Unborn Paper Prayer Card, Pack of 100
                                                        Price: $39.95
                                                        Item #: 123263 -

                                                          Traditional sized prayer card, double sided as shown. Image on front and prayer on backside. Each prayer card measures approximately 2.25 inch x 4 inch. SOLD AS PACK OF 100 PAPER PRAYER CARDS

                                                          My dear friends in Christ,

                                                          This year  the Church celebrates the 25th anniversary of the landmark pro-life encyclical Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). Written by Pope St. John Paul II, this prophetic document passionately reaffirmed the Church’s constant teaching on the value and sacredness of every human life. It remains a foundational text for all our efforts to ensure that the life of every human person is protected and cherished.

                                                          This special anniversary is the inspiration behind this year’s Respect Life theme, “Live the Gospel of Life,” as well as many of the new materials. Thank you for responding to the call to actively live out the Gospel of Christ, which necessarily includes cherishing, serving, defending, and protecting human life. May we always strive to “see in every human face the face of Christ” (EV 81) and treat each person as we would treat Christ Himself.

                                                          Sincerely yours in Jesus, the Lord of Life,

                                                          Most Reverend Joseph F. Naumann

                                                          Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities

                                                          January 22: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

                                                          Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb