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Serving the Faithful Since 1960
Bible Keepsake Box From Poland
"My Mass and Holy Communion" Books
First Communion Banner Kit
The Illustrated Catholic Children's Bible
Armor of God Desk Plaque
My First Communion Frame, Holds 4x6 Photo
Precious Moments First Communion Boy with Rosary Figure
Precious Moments Blonde Boy Blessings On Your First Communion 5.25" Figurine
Precious Moments Brunette Boy Blessings On Your First Communion 5.25" Figurine
Precious Moments Blessings On Your First Communion Girl Rosary Box with White Rosary
Precious Moments Holy Communion Girl Musical Plays The Lord's Prayer, Resin 6"H
Precious Moments Brunette Girl Blessings On Your First Communion 5.25" Figurine
Precious Moments Blonde Girl Blessings On Your First Communion 5.25" Figurine
Precious Moments 'From This Day Forward'
Precious Moments First Communion Girl Figurine
Precious Moments Confirmation Girl Figurine
Precious Moments First Communion Girl with Rosary Figure
Precious Moments Girl Rosary and Keepsake Box
Precious Moments Jesus Loves Me 6.5" Standing Cross with Teddy Bear
Precious Moments Jesus Loves Me Photo Frame with Teddy Bear
Precious Moments Teddy Bear Jesus Loves Me Musical Snow Globe
Precious Moments Jesus Loves Me Girl Musical Snow Globe
Precious Moments Jesus Loves Me Boy Musical Snow Globe
Precious Moments Heaven's Blessing Lamb Bank
Precious Moments Cradled In His Love Girl Cross Porcelain 6.25"H
Precious Moments Cradled In His Love Boy Cross Porcelain 6.25"H
Precious Moments Let Your Dreams Set Sail Mealtime Gift Set
Precious Moments 9" Blond My First Communion Doll
Precious Moments 9" Brunette My First Communion Doll
Precious Moments 12" Blonde Graduate Doll
First Communion Girl Figurine Brunette
First Communion Girl Figurine Blonde
First Communion Boy Figurine Blonde
First Communion Boy Figurine Brunette
Precious Moments Girl Kneeling For First Communion Figurine
Precious Moments Boy Kneeling For First Communion Figurine
Precious Moments Baby In Cradle Baptism Figurine - Girl
Precious Moments Baby In Cradle Baptism Figurine - Boy