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Serving the Faithful Since 1960
Material: Carved Wood
Size: 10" W x 8" D, 1-1/2" Ledge
I bought this for my home prayer table, mostly to hold the Breviary. It is a perfect size for these volumes, or other similar sized books. This would not be a good stand for large or thick books like the Bible. Perfect size and position for a iPad/tablet. The back of the stand is like a table top photo frame, (horizontal though, not diagonal like a photo frame), so only leans back to one position, not adjustable. The carved pattern is so beautiful and of course made with sturdy wood, which has a nice weight to it. Overall, I am very pleased with his purchase, the price and shipping.
Reusable Glass Globe for 5, 6, or 7 Day Inserta-Lite Candles
Black Biretta from Poland
Catholic Wedding Bible
Ceremonial Binder Series 3
Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary: Larger-Print Edition
Black Vestment Garment Bag with Handles - 66" x 24" x 3"
Light of Hope 14 Day Glass Bottle Candle
3 Days of Darkness - 3 Day 100% Beeswax Devotional Candle
Frankincense and Myrrh Anointing Oils
Cruets and Stoppers - Pair of 2
Nine Days with Saint Michael Magnificat Prayerbook
Ignatius Bible RSV 2nd Edition Bonded Leather
Saints of the Month Sticker Book
Jesus I Am Wooden Puzzle
Illustrated Lives Of The Saints
Genuine Hematite 6mm Rosary
St. Christopher Sapphire Blue Auto Rosary
1-1/2" x 12" Beeswax Altar Candles APE
Pyx with Purple Enamel Chalice
12" Candlelighter with Extinguisher
K355 Scale Paten
K48 White Gloves
Lighting Tapers
Brass Candle Followers
The Evangelist 10.25" Resin Wall Crucifix
Advent Candle Set- 12" Tapers 3 Purple 1 Pink
Clear Plastic Inserta-Lite Candles, Sold by the Case
2 3/4" White Host
The Illustrated Catholic Children's Bible
Traditional Wall Crucifix
Peace Be With You Notecards, Pkg/20
Mini Bible Indexing Tabs
St. Joseph New American Bible (Deluxe Family Edition)
Reliant Tab Collar Clergy Shirt, Short Sleeve
1 3/8" Whole Wheat Host
Adjustable Wood Bible Stand with Engraved Bible Verse, Walnut
Brass Bible or Missal Stand
San Pietro High Polished Bible or Missal Stand
Portable Hardwood Adjustable Bookstand
St. Benedict Bible Stand