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Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Approved for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America

This new resource gathers in one convenient volume those additions or changes that have been made to the current four-volume Lectionary for Mass published between 1998 and 2002.

Additions or modifications made to the Lectionary affect the Proper of Time, the Proper of Saints, Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, and Votive Masses.

Products 1-15 of 15
Lectionary Weekday Mass (Set of 3, Chapel Edition)
Price: $230.00
Item #: 92266 -

    The Lectionary for Weekday Masses Chapel Edition contains the complete Weekday Lectionary in liturgical use in the Catholic Church. The three magnificently illustrated volumes of the Weekday Lectionary include the Weekdays for Years I and II, Proper and Common of Saints, and Ritual and Votive Masses. Large, bold, easy-to-read 11-pt. type; a user-friendly layout that eliminates unnecessary page-turning; over 20 beautiful liturgical drawings providing a pictorial introduction to each main...

    Lectionary Weekday Mass (SET OF 3)
    Price: $325.00
    Item #: 92253 -

      The Lectionary for Weekday Masses contains the complete Weekday Lectionary in liturgical use in the Catholic Church. The three magnificently illustrated volumes of the Weekday Lectionary include the Weekdays for Years I and II, Proper and Common of Saints, and Ritual and Votive Masses. Large, bold, easy-to-read type; a user-friendly layout that eliminates unnecessary page-turning; over 20 beautiful liturgical drawings providing a pictorial introduction to each main section make this Weekday...

      Lectionary - Weekday Mass (Vol. III) Volume III: Proper Of Seasons For Weekdays, Year II; Proper Of Saints; Common Of Saints
      Price: $115.00
      Item #: 92251 -

        Vol. III of the Lectionary for Weekday Masses Pulpit Edition contains the complete Weekday Lectionary for Year II and the Proper and Common of Saints for liturgical use in the Catholic Church. This magnificently illustrated volume of the Weekday Lectionary is printed in large, bold, easy-to-read type. A user-friendly layout that eliminates unnecessary page-turning and over 20 beautiful liturgical drawings providing a pictorial introduction to each main section make this Weekday Lectionary...

        Lectionary for Mass, Classic Edition Volume 4
        Price: $129.95
        Item #: 92285 -

          Lectionary for Mass, Classic Edition VOLUME 4 Volume IV: Common of Saints, Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, and Masses for the Dead The Classic Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs. Parishes may use the new Lectionary for Mass for weekdays beginning February 13, 2002 (Ash Wednesday). Mandatory use begins May 19, 2002 (Pentecost). Special features of this edition:...

          Lectionary for Children
          Price: $77.00
          Item #: 87459 -

            Lectionary For Masses With Children Approved for use in the Dioceses of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See. Prepared by the Committee on the Liturgy, National Conference of Catholic Bishops. A liturgical book containing the readings for Masses with children on Sundays and weekdays. It features the special Catholic Book Publishing Co. layout and convenient arrangement, including large easy to read type, clear two-color...

            Lectionary Sunday Mass (Pulpit)
            Price: $124.00
            Item #: 92051 -

              The Pulpit edition of the Lectionary for the Sunday Mass contains the approved English translation of the Catholic liturgical Lectionary for the United States that went into use on November 29, 1998. Includes all the Lectionary readings for Cycles A, B, and C in one volume. Printed in two colors in large, easy-to-read 14-pt. type and set out in sense lines, this magnificently illustrated Pulpit edition of the Lectionary for Sunday Mass has gilt-edged pages, includes ribbon markers, and is...

              Long Ornate Ribbon Bookmark - Made in Italy
              Price: $39.95
              Item #: 117115 -

                Lectionary - Weekday Mass (Vol. III) Volume III: Proper Seasons For Weekdays, Year II, Proper Of Saints, Common Of Saints
                Price: $79.00
                Item #: 92264 -

                  Vol. III of the Lectionary for Weekday Masses (Chapel Edition) contains the complete Weekday Lectionary for Year II and the Proper and Common of Saints for liturgical use in the Catholic Church. This magnificently illustrated volume of the Weekday Lectionary is printed in large, bold, easy-to-read 11-pt. type. A user-friendly layout that eliminates unnecessary page-turning and over 20 beautiful liturgical drawings providing a pictorial introduction to each main section make this Weekday...

                  Lectionary for Mass, Classic Edition Volume II: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year I; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints
                  Price: $129.95
                  Item #: 92282 -

                    SEE INSIDE The Classic Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs. Mandatory use of the Lectionary for Mass for weekdays began May 19, 2002 (Pentecost). Special features of this edition: single-column format throughouthighly readable 13 pt. Cheltenham bold typefine, buff-colored papertwo-color printing to separate rubrics from textreadings arranged to avoid page turnsadditional space between lines for enhanced...

                    Lectionary for Mass, Classic Edition Volume III: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year II; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints
                    Price: $129.95
                    Item #: 92284 -

                      The Classic Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs. Parishes may use the new Lectionary for Mass for weekdays beginning February 13, 2002 (Ash Wednesday). Mandatory use begins May 19, 2002 (Pentecost). Special features of this edition: single-column format throughouthighly readable 13 pt. Cheltenham bold typefine, buff-colored papertwo-color printing to separate rubrics from textreadings arranged to avoid page...

                      Lectionary for Mass, Ceremonial Edition: Sundays Cycle B
                      Price: $98.00
                      Item #: 82476 -

                        Based on the Pueblo Books LECTIONARY FOR MASS, the Ceremonial Edition is specifically designed for processional use. Its impressive size and beautiful art make it a handsome work for emphasizing the dignity of the Word. Special features of this edition: New American Bible translationSunday texts for Cycle BIncludes Solemnities & Feasts of the Lord and the SaintsImpressive 10 x 14" sizeGold-stamped front, back, and spineRibbon markerGilt-edgedEasily readable 17-point Golden Cockerel typeface...

                        Lectionary for Mass Supplement Classic Edition
                        Price: $39.95
                        Item #: 106302 -

                          AVAILABLE APRIL 2017 | RESERVE YOUR COPY TODAY!Since the publication of the current English-language Lectionary for Mass (a process completed in 2002), a variety of liturgical changes have expanded the possibilities for the Scripture readings that the church provides for proclamation on various occasions. These include, among many others,an expanded Vigil Mass for Pentecost; celebrations of new saints, such as Junpero Serra, Juan Diego, John XXIII, and John Paul II; new Votive Masses, such as...

                          Lectionary for Mass, Chapel Edition Volume III: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year II; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints
                          Price: $99.95
                          Item #: 98555 -

                            The Chapel Edition is a popular choice among Lectionary users. Its convenient size and full list of features fit a variety of needs. Parishes may use the new Lectionary for Mass for weekdays beginning February 13, 2002 (Ash Wednesday). Mandatory use begins May 19, 2002 (Pentecost). Special features of this edition: single-column format throughouthighly readable 11 pt. Cheltenham bold typefine, buff-colored papertwo-color printing to separate rubrics from textreadings arranged to avoid page...

                            Lectionary for Mass Supplement Chapel Edition
                            Price: $34.95
                            Item #: 106303 -

                              AVAILABLE APRIL 2017 | RESERVE YOUR COPY TODAY!Since the publication of the current English-language Lectionary for Mass (a process completed in 2002), a variety of liturgical changes have expanded the possibilities for the Scripture readings that the church provides for proclamation on various occasions. These include, among many others,an expanded Vigil Mass for Pentecost; celebrations of new saints, such as Junpero Serra, Juan Diego, John XXIII, and John Paul II; new Votive Masses, such as...

                              Lectionary for Mass Supplement
                              Price: $23.95
                              Item #: 106304 -

                                This new resource gathers in one convenient volume those additions or changes that have been made to the current four-volume Lectionary for Mass published between 1998 and 2002. Additions or modifications made to the Lectionary affect the Proper of Time, the Proper of Saints, Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, and Votive Masses. Pages: 128Author: CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINESize: 8 1/2 X 11Color: BURGUNDYBinding: HARDCOVERNotable Changes The proper Psalms for the...

                                Notable Changes

                                The proper Psalms for the Extended Form of the Vigil Mass for Pentecost have been added. The four Old Testament Readings are provided in their appropriate sequence, with the proper Psalm following each Reading.

                                The Readings and Psalms for the Mass for Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life, previously located throughout the four-volume Lectionary, are now collected altogether. They may be used on the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children (January 22) or on other occasions focusing on the dignity of human life.

                                In the Proper of Saints

                                • Includes Canonizations since 2002
                                • Liturgical Celebrations Transferred to New Dates
                                • Suggested Readings by the Holy See Added

                                Distinctive Features

                                • Large, Bold, Legible Type for Proclaimer's Text
                                • Sense-Line Format to Aid Proclamation
                                • Careful Arrangement of Text to Avoid Page-Turns
                                • Table of Readings and Table of Responsorial Psalms and Canticles
                                • Durable Smyth-Sewn Hardcover Binding
                                • Printed with Full-Color Illustrations
                                • Non-Glare Paper
                                • Ribbon Marker