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Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

My Daily Visit with the Saints is a compilation of meditations from the writings of saints and servants of God.

These holy men and women — over 65 contributors! — wrote from the time of the Apostles to the late 1800s during times before political correctness had taken root. Their words are boldly faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and are sure to guide you in her ways. In fact, these meditations cover 139 vital topics ranging from anger to mortal sin to death and much more. In strong, clear voices the saints left us these prayerful meditations, sure protection against sudden temptations, and lucid answers to sharp questions about the Faith. In a word, this one rich volume will serve you as a deep catechism, a spur to conscience, and a call to prayer.

How often do you find time to read the saints' writings? My Daily Visit with the Saints makes it easy to stay close to the holy men and women who have gone before you. Let your daily visit with God’s faithful servants breathe into you a strong new spirit of piety and devotion, and bring you the everlasting consolation known only to those who stay close to Jesus in all that they do.

Concise meditations by saints and servants of God on each of the following topics:

Abstinence * Ambition * Anger * The Annunciation * The Ascension * The Assumption * Atheism * Avarice * Baptism * Blasphemy * The Catholic Church * Chastity * The Commandments * Communion * Confession * Confidence in God * Conscience * Dangers of the world * Death * Discord * Envy * The Epiphany * The Eucharist * Fashion * Fasting * Fear of God * Flattery * Friendship * Gambling * Good works * Grace * Habitual Sin * Hardness of Heart * Heaven * Hell * The Hidden life of Jesus * Holiness * The Holy Name of Jesus * The Holy Name of Mary * The Holy Rosary * The Holy Spirit * The Holy Trinity * Human Respect * Humility * Hypocrisy * Idleness * Ignorance * The Immaculate Conception * The Incarnation * The Infancy of Jesus * Intemperance * Jealousy * The Last Judgment * The Law of God * Love of Enemies * Love of God * Love of Neighbor * Lying and Trickery * Marriage * Meditation * Meekness * Mental Prayer * The Mercy of God * Mortal Sin * Obedience * Occasions of Sin * The Particular Judgment * The Passion of Our Lord * Passions * Peace of Soul * Penance * Perseverance * Piety * Poverty * Prayer * Predestination * The Presence of God * The Prosperity of the Wicked * Providence * Prudence * Purgatory * Purity * Rash Judgments * The Resurrection * Retreats * Riches * The Risen Jesus * Salvation * Scandals * Self-love * The Service of God * Slander * Temptations * Theft * The Transfiguration * Venial Sin * The Virgin Mary * The Visitation * Vocation * The Will of God * The Wounds of Jesus * plus many more!

Contributing saints and servants of God include:

St. Aelred (1110-1167) • St. Ambrose (340-397) • St. Astère (d. c. 400) • St. Athanasius (c. 296-373) • St. Augustine (354-430) • St. Basil (c. 329-379) • St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) • St. Bernard (1091-1153) • Fr. William Berthier, S.J. (1704-1782) • Card. Pierre de Bérulle (1575-1629) • Fr. Jacques Biroat (d. 1666) • St. Bonaventure (1221-1274) • Bp. Jacques Bossuet (1627-1704) • Fr. Henri-Marie Boudon (b. 1624) • Fr. Louis Bourdaloue (1632-1704) • Fr. Étienne de Bretteville (1630-1688) • Abp. Bartholmew de Carranza (d. 1576) • Fr. Matthieu de Castillo, O.P. (1664-1720) • St. John Chrysostom (c. 349-407) • St. Claude de la Colombière (1641-1682) • Fr. Francis Cordier (d. 1695) • Fr. Jean Crasset (1618-1692) • Fr. Croiset, S.J. (b. c. 1650) • St. Cyprian (c. 200-258) • Bl. Peter Damien (988-1073) • Fr. Nicolas de Dijon (d. 1696) • Fr. Piere de la Font (d. c. 1700) • Ven. Louis de Grenada (1505-1588) • St. Edmund (d. 1242) • St. Ephrem (d. c. 379) • Fr. Frederick Faber (1814-1863) • Abp. Franςois Fénelon (1651-1715) • Bp. Esprit Fléchier (1632-1710) • Bp. Jean de Fromentière (1652-1684) • Fr. John Garnier, S.J. (1612-1684) • Fr. Jaques Giroust (1624-1689) • St. Gregory (c. 540-604) • St. Gregory of Nazianzen (329-390) • Fr. Vincent Houdry, S.J. (1630-1729) • Fr. Laurent du Jarry (1658-1730) • St. Jerome (c. 347-420) • St. John of God (1495-1550) • Fr. Jean LeJeune (1592-1672) • St. Leo (d. 461) • Bp. Jules Mascaron (1634-1705) • Fr. Jean Massillon (1663-1742) • St. Philip NeriI (1515-1595) • Fr. Jean de Nieremberg, S.J. (1590-1658) • Fr. F. Nepveu, S.J. (1639-1708) • Fr. Nouet, S.J. (1605-1680) • Fr. Armand de Rancé (1626-1700) • Fr. Alphonse Rodriguez, S.J. (1526-1616) • Fr. Charles de la Rue (1643-1725) • St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) • Fr. Paul Segneri, S.J. (1624-1694) • BL. Charles Spinola (1564-1622) • Fr. Claude Texier, S.J. (1610-1687) • Fr. Luke Vaubert, S.J. (1644-1716) • Fr. Louis Le Valois (1639-1700) • Fr. Antoine Verjus, S.J. (1652-1706) • and many more!