Size (in inches):
5 x 7 (A-7)
Front Text:
She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people….” Matthew 1:21
Inside Text:
Inside Left: The Story of the Candy Cane There are dozens of legends about the Christian symbolism of the candy cane. Many claim the shape was intended to represent the “J” of Jesus’ name or, turned the other way, a shepherd’s staff. Others tell of the meaning of the three small red stripes representing the soldier’s stripes by which we are healed and the larger stripe which represents Christ’s lifeblood shed for us. What is known for sure is that the candy cane has been around for many years reminding us that Jesus is God’s gift to the world. Inside Right: May your Christmas story be one of happiness, rich with God’s gifts of peace, hope, and love.
Bible Verse:
Matthew 1:21
On Cover
Item Details:
Photo of several red and white candy canes on a soft white ground. The bibilical quote is on the cover and the card explains the legend of the candy cane.