Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Laminated I Am A Catholic Wallet Card
  • Laminated I Am A Catholic Wallet Card
  • I Am A Catholic Laminated Wallet Card - 123924

In case of an emergency, would anyone know you want to see a priest? Now you can make sure that if you are ever in an emergency and unable to communicate to those around you, those assisting you will know of your wishes to receive Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and hear the consoling words of a priest.

The Act of Contrition is found on the back, which makes them especially useful for receiving the Sacrament of Confession.

These highly durable, high-quality cards are the same size and feel of a credit card. Made of 30 mil plastic, these cards will last for years to come.

Proudly Made in the USA! Buy one for all those you love!
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Overall Customer Rating of 1 Reviews
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My old "I am a Catholic" card was over 50 years old and not laminated . The new card is laminated and should last me the rest of my life. Luckily I have never had to use it. I am 74 years old.

Thank you for visiting us today! May God Bless You!