Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Features include: Basic Prayers and Practices of Our Catholic Faith;

Terms of the Mass; Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine

Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year

Cycle of Readings; and Celebration of the Eucharist

This Bible was written for Catholic Teens to enable them to grow emotionally and spiritually in their Catholic faith and become effective Disciples of Christ. . 21 critical topics are addressed through seven comprehensive sections: Your Decision/Your Reward; What Does the Bible Say About?; Roots of Our Faith; Saints Relate; and 1 on 1 with Christ. What Jesus Did; What Jesus Said; and Putting My Faith Into Action.

Topics are: Acceptance; Anger; Choices; Courage; Culture; Discouragement; Faith; Guilt; Intolerance; Love; Money; Peer Pressure; Prayer; Relationships; Respect; Responsibility; Service; Sex; Temptation; Winning and Losing; Worship; Terms of the Mass; Basic Prayers and Practices of our Catholic faith.

New American Bible Version Revised Edition

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