Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

El Bautismo de su bebé Bienvenidos A La Familia De Dios DVD

El Bautismo de su bebé: Bienvenido a la familia de Dios con P. Jim Deiters. Incluye también un mensaje de bienvenida de Mons. Robert Carlson, arzobispo de St. Louis, Missouri. Este DVD de 30 minutos celebra y renueva tu fe, a la vez que confirma tu decisión de educar a tu hijo en la fe católica. Durante la ceremonia, presta atención a las lecturas y a los símbolos para que experimentes la grandeza y plenitud de Dios que se hace presente a lo largo del rito del Bautismo.

El P. Jim Deiters, al guiarte por las diversas partes de la ceremonia, te ayudará a abrazar tu fe y a ver todo lo que ella aporta a tu vida. El Bautismo de su bebé: Bienvenido a la familia de Dios te fortalecerá y te ayudará a revestirte de compasión, perdón y amor para poder educar a tu hijo en la fe católica.

30 minutos, DVD

Your Baby's Baptism is a wonderful reminder that the Church and God’s entire family continue to grow. This 30-minute DVD celebrates and renews your faith while strengthening your decision to raise your child in the Catholic faith. As you ask “What name will I give my child?,” “What do I ask of God's Church?,” and “Am I willing to raise my child in the practice of the Church?,” be present to God's Word and symbols and experience the fullness of the prayer that happens during the rite of baptism.

As Fr. Jim Deiters guides you through the sacrament, he will help you embrace our faith community and feel the difference it makes in your life. Your Baby's Baptism will strengthen and encourage you to clothe yourself in mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and love as you go forth to raise your child in the Catholic faith.

Special Feature: A 7-minute message from Lisa Hendey, creator of and the Catholic Mom Moments blog and podcast, who explains the importance of parents as the first teachers of the faith.

There is also a welcome message from Most Reverend Robert Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis.

Thank you for visiting us today! May God Bless You!