Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Large Wood & Brass Donor Wall
We can create donor walls in a variety of sizes. The overall scale of this display, coupled with paneled name plates, can accommodate a very large list of donor names.

Rectangular Donor Wall with Border
Wood donor wall with raised border at edge. The large brass panels on this design can accommodate more names in less space than individual plates. We can incorporate your logo in brass, or any of our other materials, with detail and dimension. Many colors of wood stain are available.

Basic Wood & Brass Donor Wall
The simple design of this donor board makes it easy to recreate or add on to in the future. If your campaign is not complete, the blank plates can be removed individually and engraved as needed. Shown with a single header plate containing dedication text.

Curved Header with Brass Inlay
The curved header of this donor wall lends interest to a classic design. A single brass plate fills the top portion of the board, leaving ample room for engraving words or images. A layered border and raised cross bar complete this design.

Donor Wall with Brass Panels
This campaign recognizes seven levels of giving. Many names were condensed into a smaller space by utilizing large panels instead of individual name plates.

Window Donor Wall
Three wood and brass donor walls have been shaped to emulate windows with panes. Various sizes of donor plates designate different levels of giving.

Thank you for visiting us today! May God Bless You!