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Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Additional Photos During Construction:

The Columbarium and Memorial Garden
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Knoxville, TN

Custom Carrara Marble Carvings - Italy
5' Mary, 5' St. Joseph, and 7' Crucifix
Custom Altar - Italy
Carrara Marble with Honed Black Granite

Sacred Heart Cathedral Church is blessed with a beautiful and sacred space for its Columbarium. It is located behind the South transept of the Cathedral and is a return to the tradition of burial on church grounds to be near our family and faith community. Many parishioners have indicated a preference toward cremation. When this decision has been made, there is an obligation to make arrangements for the burial of the ashes. The natural beauty and tranquility of its location enhance the experience of being in the presence of a communion of saints. The garden is designed for contemplation, prayer, and reflection.

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For more information about this or other projects, please contact Dan at (314) 644-0643 or email: