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Serving the Faithful Since 1960
Inspirational thoughts adorn this standing cross to uplift and inspire.
Resin/Stone Mix
Measures 12.5" tall
I found this cross in my husbands office. He died on October 15th. I’m calling this my Christmas present from him. It is so beautiful and inspirational with all the little messages on the cross. I bought 2 more for a good family friend of his and his godchild! I know it will be just as special to them.
Crossword Picture Frame
St. Ignatius Jesuit Rosary
Armor of God Pocket Token
The Great Adventure Catholic Bible 2nd Edition, Leather Edition
Religious Gift Bag with Cross Decoration *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST*
Prayer Cube Laser Cut with Catholic Prayers
God Created Everything Child Wall Cross
Chalice with Grapes Lapel Pin *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST*
Boys First Communion Banner Kit
Boys 5 Piece Suit-Husky
Boys First Communion Tie
Sports Be-Attitudes Plaque
Prayer To St. Peregrine Laminated Prayer Card
'Gifts Of The Spirit' Medium Confirmation Gift Bag
Great Adventure Catholic Bible Indexing Tabs
A Teen's Game Plan For Life
St. Peregrine Cancer Rosary Pocket Token
Black Leather Rosary Pouch, Large
Boys Black Dress Socks
Black Paten Lace-Up Shoes
Basketball Sports Keepsake Box
Baseball Laminated Prayer Card
St. Ignatius Loyola 1" Oxidized Medal
St. Francis of Assisi Patron Saint Necklace
Confirmation Guardian Angel
Pewter First Communion Wall Cross
27 Inch Heavens Majesty Large Nativity Scene, 12 Piece Indoor or Outdoor Nativity Set
Mini Purple Scapular - The Scapular of Benediction and Protection for Wear
Crossword Trinket Box
Crossword 4.5" Standing Cross
Crossword 16" Inspirational Verse Wall Cross
Crucifix with Stand
7" Standing Wood Crucifix with Mother of Pearl Inlay
Olive Wood 10.5" Standing Crucifix from Italy
Italian Standing 5.25" Walnut Crucifix, Silver Corpus
7.5" Standing Walnut Crucifix, Silver Corpus
Walnut 8.75" Standing Crucifix from Italy
Cherry Wood 8" Standing Crucifix
Gift of the Spirit Standing Crucifix
Gift of the Spirit Standing Cross
Ognissanti 10.5" Tabletop Crucifix
Bronze Title Bar Journey Cross
Double Sided 13" Standing Brass Crucifix
Holy Spirit Cut Out Standing Crucifix
Asst 5.5" Standing Crucifix Nightlight
Standing Bronze 13" Crucifix with Pewter Corpus
St. Benedict 24" Bronzed Colored Crucifix
14.5" Risen Christ on Standing Cross
This Is The Day the Lord has Made 6" Standing Cross
Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart 7.75" Standing Cross
Assorted Standing Crosses with Cardinals, Sold Each
St. Benedict Painted Bronze Crucifix, Can Stand or Hang
Standing Crucifix with Pewter Finish and Gold Accents, 13" tall
Standing Crucifix with Lightly Painted Bronze Finish, 22.5" tall
Standing Pewter Colored 22" Crucifix with Gold Accents
Standing Brass 13" Crucifix
I Said A Prayer for You Mini Cross with Card
The Way of the Cross Mini Cross with Card
Give it To God and Go To Sleep Bedside Cross
But First Pray Standing Prayer Cross
St. Benedict 13.5" Standing Crucifix
Double Sided 13" Standing Crucifix, Antique Brass
Assorted 2"x4" Wood Block with Handpainted Cross, SOLD EACH
Nativity Scene 11" Standing Cross
Assorted Travertine Crosses, Sold Each *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST*
St. Benedict Medal 8" Walnut Standing Crucifix
St. Benedict Medal 8" Black Standing Crucifix
Walnut 8" Standing Crucifix
Assorted 3" Blessing Crosses, Sold Each
Assorted 4.75" Tabletop Wood Crosses, Sold Each
Assorted White Cross Sitters, Sold Each *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST*
St. Benedict 9.5" Crucifix in Bronze Finish, Can Hang or Stand
Assorted Art Through the Lens Cross Figurines, Sold Each