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Serving the Faithful Since 1960
8 1/2 inch x 11 inch three ring binder with linen wrapped cover and inside front pocket. 1 inch binder available in 5 colors as shown.
Ceremonial Binder with Jerusalem Cross
Beautiful. Love it.
These binders are high quality, but difficult to tell front from back, as both sides look the same.
The binder is very good quality and looks terrific!
I bought all four liturgical colored binders and was very pleased with the quality!
Series 1 Ceremonial Folder
Series 1 Ceremonial Binders
Ceremonial Binder Series 3
Daily Mass Record
Ceremonial Binder Series 2
Book of Blessings
300 Alb
Roman Missal Ribbon (Altar Size)
Votive Light Glasses
Ecumenical Appointment Planner- Refill for Deluxe Edition
Ecumenical Appointment Planner- Regular
Roman Missal (Deluxe Altar Edition)
Calendar Index Tabs, January - December
Black Vestment Garment Bag with Handles - 66" x 24" x 3"
Chrome Tray
Sick Call Reversible Purple/White Stole From Italy
Know Your Catholic Faith (Folder)
Adidas Dri-Fit Polo with Embroidered Deacon Cross
Mary Mother of God Bottle for Holy Water, 8 oz.
Sick Call Set with Leather Case (includes Oil Stock)
Catholic Planning Calendar
Liturgical Desk Calendar
The Great Adventure Catholic Bible 2nd Edition, Leather Edition
Episcopal Liturgical Desk Calendar
Large Baptismal Register
Excerpts from The Roman Missal: Chapel Clothbound Edition
Order of Baptism of Children
Pastoral Care Of The Sick (Pocket Size)
Holy Communion and the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery outside Mass
Passion of Our Lord
Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal Ritual Cards
Order of Christian Funerals
The Book Of The Gospels
Book of Gospels
Lectionary Sunday Mass (Pulpit)
Lectionary Weekday Mass (Set of 3, Pulpit Edition)
Shorter Book of Blessings
Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary Volumes 1 & 2
7/8" x 16" Beeswax Altar Candles
1-1/2" x 17" Beeswax Altar Candles APE
1-15/16" x 24" Beeswax Altar Candles PE
Assorted Pyxes
Adult Stole RCIA / Baptism
576 Deluxe Vestment Hanger from Slabbinck
Economy Universal Candle Burner
1 1/2" Whole Wheat Host-Cross Design
The Funeral Rites: Participation Booklet
Jerusalem Cross Note Cards, Pkg of 25
Chi-Rho Cross Blank Note Card, 20/Pkg
Green Celtic Cross Notecards, Pkg/20
8 Day SacraLite Glass Sanctuary Light
3 Days of Darkness - 3 Day 100% Beeswax Devotional Candle
First Communion Banner Kit
12" Evergreen Advent Wreath
Ecumenical Appointment Planner- Deluxe Edition
Mini Purple Scapular - The Scapular of Benediction and Protection for Wear
Marine Grade 41" JOY Nativity Yard Sign *CLOSEOUT*
White Outdoor Nativity 50" Marine Grade Yard Scene *CLOSEOUT*
10 Inch First Christmas Gifts 16pc Real Life Nativity Set with Stable
Ceremonial Binder (binder only)
Ceremonial Tablet Case for Ipad
Three Ring Ceremonial Binders