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Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

This cardinal is a gentle reminder that we're never far apart from those we love.

Sweet sterling silver cardinal holds a heart in her chest, measures 5mm x 13mm, and rests on a sterling silver 6-18" adjustable chain


With this piece, I share my heart with you. My story is much like yours, I’m sure ~ it is full of loss, hope, pain, mercy, and love but most of all, it’s full of God. This little cardinal was one of the most difficult designs I’ve worked on because, gosh, it’s hard to create a piece when the emotion it evokes is so real and so raw. If I’m honest, it’s hard to share this bittersweet story. It makes my heart feel like it’s going to burst and makes my eyes well with tears until there’s just no stopping the river. But, the tears that were once filled with sadness have evolved into wonder and awe of the beauty the story holds.

Bear with me. I must share because, what is the meaning of pain and loss, unless we can share the hope of the miracles that go with them? Unless we help someone else through their darkest valley, to show them the beauty and light that follows? So here goes and it is my prayer that this sweet little bird and this story is just what someone out there is needing to feel God’s love and to feel the spirit of their loved one(s).

When my mom was sick and in her final days, we sat by her side in Hospice around the clock. A male cardinal sat in the tree outside her window and sang its little heart out. So loud and for so many hours each day that we couldn’t help but chat about him. We said, lightheartedly, that the male cardinal was mom’s dad who she has lost a few years prior - she never fully recovered from his passing, as they were extremely close. We said - seeking comfort at the time - that maybe he was there, saying to her through his singing that it was ok for her to let go, and he could take her to their forever home. The last day that she was with us, a female cardinal came and perched next to the male, and they both sang as snow began to fall. When they both flew away, mom entered her eternal home.

I fully believe that God sent those little birdies to symbolize my angel grandfather and my soon-to-be angel mom. Ever since her passing, He sends cardinals when I need her most. At my daughter’s kindergarten graduation just a few months later, I broke down in tears because I so wanted my mom there to celebrate the big day with me... instead, on the way to the ceremony, two sweet cardinals flew past my windshield and I knew that she was, indeed, with us. To this day, I see cardinals at my most special moments, and those times where a girl - no matter how old we are - just misses her mama {those come often}. I know those sightings of these sweet cardinals are God winks that my mom is healed, happy, and with me always. Of course, my mom’s lifelong favorite color was bright red... God knew that when he chose a cardinal to send me her heavenly hugs.

I’ve heard many, many sweet cardinal stories from friends and customers and I just LOVE that we all share a love for these colorful little whispers from heaven!

Sweet sterling silver cardinal holds a heart in her chest, measures 5mm x 13mm, and rests on a sterling silver 16-18" adjustable chain