Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Sacraments are at the heart of our lives as Catholics, the way we celebrate together our continuing conversion and encounter with God. Sacramental preparation is essential if we are to experience the fullness of our life in community and in Christ. Ever conscious of the complex history of the church and its dynamic relationship to ritual, Father Lawrence Mick provides these booklets based on his popular Understanding the Sacraments Today’as a companion to the ongoing and repeated practices that nourish us.

Baptism enables the church to carry on the mission that was entrusted to it by Christ. Those who accept the call to baptism are accepting God’s call to continue the work of Christ in the world today. In Baptism, Mick offers adult catechumens, parents, godparents, and all believers a meaningful introduction to this first sacrament of initiation. A practice dating back to the time of Jesus and shared by communities across the Christian tradition, baptism has a rich and dynamic history within the Catholic Church. This small volume is an excellent companion to the journey that begins with water and affirmation.

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