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Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.

Serving the Faithful Since 1960

Supportive to both laity and clergy alike, it can be considered everyone's handbook on the family. It offers words of encouragement and practical guidance to all who find themselves amid the myriad challenges facing families around the world, including unemployment, migration, poverty, addictions, polygamy, and societal norms that pressure longstanding Catholic teachings on marriage.

In this document Pope Francis continues to tap on the pastoral experience and wisdom of bishops throughout the world, often referencing bishops' conferences, including those in Spain, Korea, Mexico, Colombia, and Kenya. Expansive in its approach, not limited to a subset in a specific country, Amoris Laetitia offers guidelines for the world's 1.2 billion Catholics and the document emphasizes that local answers to questions must always be sought.

The Joy of Love guides the faithful through scripture, tradition, ministry, love, and spirituality, all of it addressing these areas through the perspective of the realities of life in the 21st century.

Features & Benefits:

  • Provides faithful with ways to show mercy to all families in the modern world
  • Divided into nine chapters: In The Light, The Word; The Experiences and Challenges of Families; Looking to Jesus: The Vocation of the Family; Love in Marriage; Love Made Fruitful; Some Pastoral Perspectives; Towards a Better Education of Children; Accompanying, Discerning and Integrating Weakness; and The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family
  • Document provides the Holy Father's synthesis of and commentary on bishops' synod discussions
  • Expands notion of family to be more inclusive
    Product Details:Binding: Paperback
    Trim size: 5" x 7 3/16"
    Pages: 240