Serving the Faithful Since 1960
Altar hand bells
4.5" tall x 7.5" square
Made of specifically case bronze to assure proper tone quality; durable oven baked finish
Server Cinctures
Reliant Tab Collar Clergy Shirt, Short Sleeve
1-1/2" x 12" Beeswax Altar Candles APE
1 3/8" Whole Wheat Host
Wood Carved Hand Painted 8" Corpus for Crucifix Made In Italy
1801B Gold Plate Chain 105Cm Made In Italy
1801B Sterling Silver Plate Chain 105Cm Made In Italy
1100-120 Altar Bells
Altar Hand Bells - Hi Polish Bronze
Altar Hand Bells
K428 Altar Bells
4 Sound Altarbell
389-120 Bells
Sanctuary Bells
Wall Hanging Sanctuary Bell from Italy