Serving the Faithful Since 1960
9.25"H X 12.25"W X 6.5"D
5" Fontanini Set of 3 Kings
5" Fontanini Bethlehem Birds Figures
5" Fontanini Seated Donkey Figure
5" Fontanini Dog Family Figure
5" Fontanini Sheep Family Figure
5" Fontanini Ox Family Figures
5" Fontanini Good Shepherd Figurine
5" Fontanini Emma Shepherdess Figurine
Fontanini Stand for Lighted Star Ornament, or Any Ornament!
5" Fontanini Gloria Angel
Fontanini Animal Corral for 5" Scale Figures
5" Fontanini Melia, Goat Herder
Fontanini 5" Scale 4 Figure Nativity Set with Lighted Resin Stable
Fontanini Fishing Pond for 5" Scale Nativity Figures
Fontanini Toymaker Shop for 5" Scale Nativity Figures
Fontanini Shepherd's Tent for 5" Scale Nativity Figures
Fontanini Town Well with Trough for 5" Scale Nativity Figures
5" Fontanini Filia, Girl with Cats
5" Fontanini Seth, Boy with Cats